Gun editor for home-made weaponry? :D

In my opinion, custom guns do have a place, just not at a visual editor. Guns created in text edit, in its own menu seems like it could very interesting. With the addition of smithing, gunsmithing seems more plausible. You’d need to craft something to fill the various roles, be it scrap metal, a pipe, and the a lighter to make an extremely basic gun using the fabrication skill, or a death ray made using the electronics skill, these both have a place and could be a very interesting concept if added into the game. I could definately see people using it this, creating weapons of terror and beauty, in much the same way people do the same with their cars. Though that is not to say that it should have a visual editor, just that if people are willing spend in game months building machines of such awe, then chances are they are just as likely to use the gun editor. Hell, why not include turrets that use these custom guns, it wouldnt be too hard to implement the frame work for vehicle turrets already being there. The creation of the gun editor however, i could see being something that takes a while, but wold be worth it. But of course, like all suggestions, this really needs to be put to the test with a concept mod.

Some stat bonuses could be acquired by savvy gun-building, how the parts are arranged, and would allow a lot more possibility than just gun mods (someone add the triple/quad/octo barreled gun mods, please!). It would add a level of diversity to current gun mods, like true attachments (bayonet, grenade launchers, shotgun modifications, things like that). Also it would set us free from the “This gun already has all the mods it can support” bit and leave the ending bulk of the weaponry up to us (could go for the lightest, simplest gun possible, or a barely-carryable multi-function murder machine). Could even do separate quality of parts, where total weight and efficiency would be affected… Mainly it’d be used for attaching reasonable and effective NON-gun mod items to weaponry…

All I really thought about initially was that it’d make for some awesome screenshots to show off with, same as vehicles, and that surely the vehicle framework could fairly easily be altered to this purpose to save some work time…

Guns already have their mods listed in sub-text, but at the moment all you can do is install either zero, one, two, three, or four mods of your choice. The end. Basically the same concept applies to vehicles. We could handle all that with a simple text menu, but it leads to nothing unique… If I can design a vehicle shaped like a flying saucer, I should be able to keep adding bayonet after bayonet to my gun, or eleven attachments, or stud it with nails or broken glass, or attach a mini-flamethrower or a defensive steel plate to my bow, or steel spikes to my grenade, or a rubber grip on my crowbar as long as I’m ready to deal with the potentially hideous volume and weight from doing so.

Just had to throw the idea out there in case it caught anyone’s interest :slight_smile:

I most definitely agree with what Moist zombie says.

Would be tricky to keep it from getting out of hand, though.

Lol yeah, it’d take quite a bit of “if you have this then you can’t have that” restrictions… It could still grow slowly to prevent too much insanity, though :slight_smile: Also it could go the route to where all guns can be disassembled as well :stuck_out_tongue: … Now I want a rubber-gripped glass encrusted crowbar, though :frowning:

So… one attachment for the left rail, right rail, top rail, and bottom rail. 'Cause balance. And a slot for sights, barrel, mag, and stock. I feel like I’m forgetting something.

Dear Mr. ECM,

Half of this thread explains why cars (actually vehicles in general) are fundamentally different from rest of the game world objects. Would you please consider first imbuing yourself with that information and after that realize how far off your sarcasm was?[/quote]



I am sorry, i did not read most of the topic, i just got inspired and throwed up this little weapon system that could be easy. If it is not understandable, just tell me and i explain.

Supposedly you should make the pieces separatedly and join them there. The “body” is the first part.
Every part has its stats.

The MUST BE parts are the body, the cannon and the place where you grab the weapon.

This is for shooting weapons for now.
The “body” also indicates wich ammo type, how is reloaded, if it is automatic or not, etc.

All I see is paperdolls.

I like the idea, StopSignal.

I want this system not because it is technical but because EVERYONE wants this. Maybe not for coding reasons, but the possibilities could be ENDLESS. It’s Too Cool Not To Be In The Game.

Like a grenade-trowing thing with the size of a pistol that has a bayonet. It is not as hard as it sounds, if it uses the same display as the car, and only needs stats, instead of actually showing it on the map.

Yaaaay, endorsement from kilozombie! I respect it!! :smiley:

We already have a fairly decent system for modifying guns, though.

IRL building a vehicle out of junk that drives around without falling apart and handles decently is not too difficult. You aren’t going to build a BMW out of scrap metal but a big hulked up apocalypse cruiser may not be as hard as you think.

On the flipside, building a firearm out of junk that doesn’t explode and kill you, is no small task. The game has some recipes that represent prettymuch how it works. Building a custom assault rifle that is accurate and has a fire selector and all that? Not happening without a very well equipped facility to turn out a barrel and mill the receiver parts. Forging a trigger assembly. Etc. etc…

…and that’s not even accounting for the actual mechanical know-how you would need to blueprint a gun that isn’t going to be an innaccurate hunk of junk. That’s why most people that actually build guns or gun parts IRL just pattern them after existing rifles. That’s why there’s a million manufacturers of AR-15 parts and accessories.

Honestly in a game where the undead are shooting lightning bolts and [REDACTED] from another [EXPUNGED] are crawling out of [SPOILERS] probably the most unrealistic thing would be a guy building an assault rifle out of junk that’s as good as (or better) than an existing design.

…buuuuut it might be fun? If all the bugs were squished and whatnot, this would be one of those “why not?” additions. Like has been said I think coding/development time is preciously finite. Were that not the case I would say fund it because we’re rich. I think it kinda runs counter to the crafting system but I don’t think it’s a terrible idea…?