Ground Collapsing

I came up with this idea after having a house collapse around me for the second time today: Wouldnt it be cool if the ground were to collapse? Lets say you’re driving around in your mega beast of a vehicle. You drive into a town and mowing down zombies when BOOM, the ground falls apart around you and you fall into a sewer or underground bunker. Maybe something else can cause this to occur, like an earthquake. Having whole houses falling beneath the surface. It could also open up new possibilities to breach underground bunkers, by laying charges on the ground and detonating them. Or having the abilty to blow bridges down to stop that fungal infection that has been spreading a bit out of control, or to stop that horde of triffid queens from getting into your sector and spreading their grassyness all over the place.

(Sorry for any mistakes in grammar, I am french.)

I am sure this would get in but not till Z levels are :slight_smile:

Currently z-levels below 0 are always treated as underground and thus inside and immune to weather.
Fixing this would require casting rays from the sky, ie. z-levels.

Also, ledges are rather buggy. You can test them by teleporting self up into the sky with debug menu.

It will happen as one of the z-levels updates, but not before.

[quote=“Coolthulhu, post:3, topic:9553”]Currently z-levels below 0 are always treated as underground and thus inside and immune to weather.
Fixing this would require casting rays from the sky, ie. z-levels.

Also, ledges are rather buggy. You can test them by teleporting self up into the sky with debug menu.

It will happen as one of the z-levels updates, but not before.[/quote]

Okay then, I can wait. But arent there already experimental Z-level buildings?

Totally different implementation. Basically it works by extending the already broken code into the opposite direction from down (and thus generates a bunch of bugs). The implementation currently being worked on is the one that will eventually be in the game, and doesn’t contain all the silly hacks that the experimental mod is built on.

I’m sure that there is something to be learned from the way Dwarf Fortress handles it, maybe. I don’t know how much reference has been taken from it but it appears to run in a similar fashion and is at the very least in the same overall style as CDDA. It’s open source so peeling the code open wouldn’t be too hard, assuming it’s got documentation…

Dwarf Fortress is the exact opposite of open source. :stuck_out_tongue: (At least until Toady dies that is, his will states that the code will be released as open source in the event that he isn’t murdered to get it released).