Game crashes upon approaching Refugee Center. 0.C, Tiles, Windows 8.1

Playing on 0.C and just found my first Refugee Center with NPC’s enabled in the world. Upon approach though, the game freezes and Windows tells me Cataclysm has crashed. Of course I thought it was just a fluke, this being the first fatal crash error I’ve ever encountered while playing the game. Sure enough, I tried loading up the game and approaching the refugee center again and it crashed, several more failed attempts later and its crashed on every single one.

It told me in debug the third or fourth time about something involving a failure to find UPS and a non_ammo being assigned to the LACP laser pistol I think. I haven’t been able to get the debug message to pop up again, the game just seems to crash the second I get close enough for the reality bubble to encompass the refugee center.

I had this bug in that version as well. I just moved onto the experimental version, which doesn’t have tiles. Personally, I prefer the console. Mostly because the animations dont work in tiles for me.

Alright, I don’t like the tiles either, so I’ve just always kept them off. I’ll switch to the latest experimental version and see if it persists.

Edit: Still crashing.
Had “DEBUG: could not convert 126 to new talk topic string” popup once while walking towards it. But it still crashes at the exact same point once I get close enough.

Started off another character in the same world setup and teleported them to a Refugee Center to see if it’d crash, everything worked fine. Tried the same with my main survivor both as is and then totally naked, it crashed both times. Guess it’s about time I started off a new character anyway.