I think that having fourth state, let’s call it ‘old’ (until someone comes with better) would be nice to have. In real life, I am often able to tell that some food is not rotten yet, but will be soon if I don’t eat / conserve it now, be it by visual state of the meal or by remembering when it was fresh and how long it usually takes to rot. This is hard to track in game though and meal (old) would be handy when you are picking what to eat next when hungry.
Probably should be associated by material type: Vegetable matter is “Wilted.” Fruit is “Overripe.” Milk and meat are “Turning” Bread and the like should be “Stale”
EDIT: On the topic of spoilage. I think some items shouldn’t spoil as quickly. Cheese, for instance, is good even when it starts molding (just cut the mold off). Also, PB Sandwiches seem to have a spoiling time shorter than both bread and peanut butter (which doesn’t spoil at all)
Perhaps add some sealing wax to the game and we can wax our cheeses to save them from spoilage?
Also, I’ve yet to see some sterilized milk. Which is generally good for months and kept outside of the fridge. Same for allot of other food types out there that are sterilized. And it would certainly be fun finding milk that isn’t rotten for once.
[quote=“Hague, post:2, topic:6550”]Probably should be associated by material type: Vegetable matter is “Wilted.” Fruit is “Overripe.” Milk and meat are “Turning” Bread and the like should be “Stale” [/quote]
I would very much like the attention to detail if this was added
English is not my native language, so I couldn’t come with anything better than ‘old’, but I very much like the idea to of fitting terms per food category. I don’t know how hard it would be to add it though. Vegetable, fruit and meat categories should be doable as there are allergies for these already.
English is not my native language, so I couldn’t come with anything better than ‘old’, but I very much like the idea to of fitting terms per food category. I don’t know how hard it would be to add it though. Vegetable, fruit and meat categories should be doable as there are allergies for these already.[/quote]
Shouldn’t be that hard to fit terms to category. I’d probably have it check the primary material (wheat, fruit, junkfood, etc) and then set the label based on that.