I have an idea about stats (str, dex, int, perc) - they should be altered by other ingame ways than mutations. What I have in mind is that if you regularly exercise, you get stronger, if you practice your brain, you get smarter (or at least think faster), and such… My idea is that stats could have same % like skills, which could raise up with exercises and activities, or go down, through stat rust and other things (like bad habits). Basically you could become stronger/faster/smarter/more perceptive than on start, or, you could become a retarded couch potato, depending on what you do. However, stat gain and rust should be way slower than other skills (with few exceptions), since they’re already too fast. That would make that one extra point hard earned, and wouldn’t mess with game balance too much.
Some ideas:
Strenght - melee, chopping wood, mining (if it gets implemented), exercising - either with calisthenics (could fit in that “wait for how long” console), or with exercise machines, dumbbells (could make an interesting weapon)
Dexterity - sprinting (if it gets implemented), throwing, exercising with tools above
Intelligence - practiced by crafting, speech, hacking, logic training gizmos like Rubic’s cube, chess etc
Perc - shooting, throwing
It’s just a basic construct (straight out of my head, my Int is somewhat low now), so there’s lot more space for ideas…
Gets me to something - there are lots of ways how to hazard with your health in Cata. Drugs, especially. So far there’s no long term penalty for using drugs, other than cravings, withdrawals and occasional heart attacks. If substance abuse would hit stats in long term, then it would balance using drugs a bit. I know few guys who wasted themselves on drugs, and it does have effect on the body, that’s for sure. Loss of weight, strenght, less perceptive, brain weakens both physically and intellectually, and other symptoms.
But, there are also performance drugs - anabolics, growth hormone and such. They could give you strenght and dex bonus in long term, and help you gain these stats faster, while having an effect on intellect and perception (not that it’s scientifically approved that 'roids cause dementia or something, just for the sake of gameplay)
It’s all just a basic idea, if you find it OK, feel free to add your own idea.