Does anyone know how I should calculate the volume of the items I add, or do we just make up a number that sounds fair, is there some formula to it?
So far I’ve made a list of things I need to make and made the entries for the different variations of bug meat, and I’m working on adding body parts and organs now, however seeing as I couldn’t find a body mass ratio for the bugs i had to come up with a approximate weight for each limb.
Bug parts list
ignore the format, i just did that for color coding in my editor
class Arachnid : Bug (){
Name {"Spider"};
weight {180};
BodyPartsAndOrgans {"(1) Cephalothorax - Sternam", "(8) Legs", "(1) Opisthosoma - Abdomen",
"(2) Chelicera -Fangs", "(2) Pedipalp - Feelers", "(6-8) Eyes", "(1) Brain", "(1) Heart", "(1) Silk Gland",
"(4) Book Lung", "(2) Salivary glands", "Fat Body - Fat Sac"};
BloodType {"Hemolymph - Salts, Amino Acids, Proteins, Carbs"};
class Ants : Bug (){
Name{"Giant Ant"};
BodyPartsAndOrgans{"Abdomen - Chitin, Insect Meat", "(2)Antennae", "Head", "(4) Mandibles", "(2) Eyes", "(6) Legs",
"Thorax", "Stinger", "Petiolus - Poison glands", "(2) Stomach", "Dufour's gland - pheramones", "Brain", "Fat Body - Fat Sac"};
BloodType{"Hemolymph - Salts, Amino Acids, Proteins, Carbs"};
class Roaches : Bug (){
BodyPartsAndOrgans{"Abdomen - Chitin, Insect Meat", "(2)Antennae", "Head", "(2) Mandibles", "(2) Eyes", "(6) Legs",
"Thorax", "(1) Stomach", "Brain", "(4) Wings - Can't fly", "Fat Body - Fat Sac"};
BloodType{"Hemolymph - Salts, Amino Acids, Proteins, Carbs"};
class Dragonfly : Bug (){
BodyPartsAndOrgans{"Abdomen - Chitin, Insect Meat", "(2)Antennae", "Head", "(2) Eyes", "(6) Legs",
"Thorax", "(1) Stomach", "Brain", "(4) Wings", "Fat Body - Fat Sac"};
BloodType{"Hemolymph - Salts, Amino Acids, Proteins, Carbs"};
class Mosquitoe : Bug (){
Name{"Giant Mosquitoe"};
BodyPartsAndOrgans{"Abdomen - Chitin, Insect Meat", "(2)Antennae", "Head", "(2) Eyes", "(6) Legs",
"Thorax", "(1) Stomach", "Brain", "(2) Wings", "Blood Sac", "Salivary Gland"};
BloodType{"Hemolymph - Salts, Amino Acids, Proteins, Carbs"};
This list isn’t exhaustive, as i want to add more things for quests and various crafts, but trying to finish this before i work on anything else.
This is what i have done so far (not much because ive been playing other things )