Experimental SDL version uploaded for Windows

[quote=“DBrickShaw, post:40, topic:1713”]How would I go about building the SDL version from source? I’m already fairly familiar with building the Windows binary (using MinGW), but I’m not sure how the makefile should be modified to build the SDL version (or is there a separate branch for that code somewhere?).[/quote]You’ll want to add TILES=1 to your make command. The Makefile can build all the versions now (and the experimentals are both being cross-compiled on a Linux system). However, note the SDL version has more dependencies (specifically, SDL and SDL_ttf), and those in turn have some dependencies; you may or may not need to resolve them.

Also, the TILES=1 may change to SDL=1 in the near future, so read the Makefile comments to be sure.

Just in case you’re curious, here’s what I have currently for the Jenkins SDL build (compiled on Linux for a Win32 target):

[code]make CROSS=/home/narc/src/mxe/usr/bin/i686-pc-mingw32- TILES=1 clean

export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -s"
export CXXFLAGS="-Os -I/home/narc/src/mxe/usr/i686-pc-mingw32/include/SDL"
make CROSS=/home/narc/src/mxe/usr/bin/i686-pc-mingw32- TILES=1 DEBUG= -j4

make CROSS=/home/narc/src/mxe/usr/bin/i686-pc-mingw32- TILES=1 bindist[/code]

I’ve just played for a few minutes with this SDL thing, but looks quite promising. And just about when I started to complain about performance issues on Windows.

BTW, there’s no link in the main site to the linux32 nightly builds. Is the same link as before and just forgot about it or have you stopped publishing nightly builds for it?

From our experience, they weren’t seeing much use - it’s pretty trivial to build yourself on linux, and most people know how.

Also, no one provided me with a link for that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do need to stick back up the linux compiling guide though.

Ok. I was about to update the Download wiki page and wasn’t sure about what to do with that.

Will those new windows builds be updated at the same time as before? (which was ~5am UTC+1)

[quote=“kenoxite, post:44, topic:1713”]Ok. I was about to update the Download wiki page and wasn’t sure about what to do with that.

Will those new windows builds be updated at the same time as before? (which was ~5am UTC+1)[/quote]They update when stuff gets pushed to the main Git, assuming nothing was added that would make them stop compiling correctly.

Is there any demand for linux32 builds? I could add that to the jenkins quite easily, I think.

These are now instant edge code builds rather than nightly, so no, not at the same time. The link, however, should be static.

Also, Narc, yeah I would say linux32 would probably be a good idea.

Thanks for the info.
I’ve updated the download page in the wiki accordingly.

I would like to know how I can do to use the font Pixel-font7



[quote=“GlyphGryph, post:46, topic:1713”]Also, Narc, yeah I would say linux32 would probably be a good idea.[/quote]Okay, have a Linux ncurses build and a Linux SDL build. Also, turns out Ubuntu has really really old SDL_ttf-dev. Ugh.

Can you not do it DF style where the keys are a-z (or a-k or whatever) on one page and on the second page, resets (a-z) again?
Means, we don’t get crap like [ and { Which I keep mixing up and even \ and | and Control is even more annoying then Shift.

Just an idea though. If not, then I guess Control will need to be a solution.
And has the mappings for too many bionics been fixed?

To change the default font simply replace the default one, found in data\font, with the one of your choice (simply delete the existing fixedsys.ttf one and copy on that folder the one you want to use - Pixel-font7).

The SDL version is WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY better than the “normal” one. The performance is top notch. Such fluidness after two years of stuttering makes me immensely happy.

To change the default font simply replace the default one, found in data\font, with the one of your choice (simply delete the existing fixedsys.ttf one and copy on that folder the one you want to use - Pixel-font7).[/quote]

I did so, but takes no resizing, only small…

everything is way way better in sdl. sleeping still freezes the game for like 20 seconds though. my mouse turns into a blue circle, the screen tints white, everything becomes unclickable, and then everythings fine again.

In that case your CPU just can’t handle it quickly.

Sleep is technologically a fast forward without screen refresh, like you hold “.” for a couple of minutes normally. Everything has to be calculated.

To change the default font simply replace the default one, found in data\font, with the one of your choice (simply delete the existing fixedsys.ttf one and copy on that folder the one you want to use - Pixel-font7).[/quote]

I did so, but takes no resizing, only small…[/quote]

IIRC you can add another line in data/FONTDATA to define the actually font size, for example:

your font file

OK, I did that too, but does not change the font size

In previous versions did not have this problem

Thanks anyway

That is odd. Because I see the code on github already contains the change.

Well I downloaded that font from dafont. The seems the two .fon files don’t resize but the ttf file actually resizes.

BTW, the SDL version supports absolute path, like

D:\temp\DDA\data\font\pixel font-7.ttf

I usually play with lucide console, it is the default font for cygwin I think.


[quote=“utunnels, post:55, topic:1713”]your font file
Didn’t know there were 3 values. Seems to have cleared up some of the screwy graphics I’ve been seeing.

ok there’s this weird glitch that when I sleep it “crashes” and then my character wakes up. basically all it does is up in the top part of the window where the name of the program is it just says not responding and after a few seconds it runs again.