Experimental SDL version uploaded for Windows

Thought I’d better ask… : )
How often will the SDL version be updated? Does it feature nightly builds too? And is that every night?

Hmm…I could be retarded, but I’m stuck on a motorcycle. “e” just goes to examine, not exit vehicle.

When you hit “e” try exiting where the vehicle isnt



       0       ^
         ^    /
         /     0

Tried all directions. Very much stuck. It could be because it’s one of those vehicle-crashed-into-another-vehicle scenarios. Front wheel area is inside a car, jumped on to see if it had an engine and could move it, whatever, just to experiment.

Oh I have had that happen to me before only I hit the gas and got ejected into a concrete wall.

Both the bleeding edge/experimental builds will be updated within minutes of new changes being approved by one of the maintainers. That’s much more frequently than nightly, btw ;).

Once we’re ready to release 0.6, I’d like to provide both the GDI and SDL versions - especially if the SDL build is indeed massively faster, as it seems to be.

The key for exiting vehicles was recently remapped (leaving it on ‘e’xamine was a little funky). It’s now in the vehicle control menu, accessible by default from ‘^’. You may need to go into the keymap page (’?', ‘2’) to set that keymap up if you don’t have it for some reason (e.g., if you copied over your old keymap file).

^ is sort of a tricky thing on some keyboards, mine included. Shift+^ key, then space. Otherwise it doesn’t register.
You get used to it though. Eventually.

Huh, odd.

May I suggest remapping that key to something else, then?

^ = odd on a lot of keyboards. On a german, french, czech and so on layout you have to press the key “^” and then anything else or it does not work. It’s mainly for stuff like “o” + ^ to “ô” and so on, to get chars like î, Û, â. It’s used in a lot of ‘eastern europe’ languages too, for example.

[quote=“Soron, post:28, topic:1713”]Huh, odd.

May I suggest remapping that key to something else, then?[/quote]
Nah, I’m used to it by now. Just thinking that this may become a future problem for other people.

Oh, and…

Both the bleeding edge/experimental builds will be updated within minutes of new changes being approved by one of the maintainers. That's much more frequently than nightly, btw ;).

Ah, that’s good to know. We should probably look into common behavior with international keyboards… and maybe make sure we can capture ctrl+key stuff, as well, because we are seriously running low on keys!

Yeah, ctrl would definitely help out.
Prime targets for the most useful actions.

When I think back, in System Shock 2 you could use most ctrl-alt-shift combinations. I used 1, shift-1, ctrl-1, alt-1, ctrl-alt-1, shift-alt-1 and shift-ctrl-1 for actions I always use. In the end I had everything on a few keys. Though, a few crashed the game and had to be remapped.

This version is really awesome, everything runs smoothly without lagging and the random stutters, and the new font is so sexy :wink:

Oh but other than not realising the exit vehicle thing before, this version is boss. Fast as.

yeah, it must be challenging to map controls. Done pretty well so far though!

there is definitely a performance boost with the SDL version, which is nice, not that the occasional stutter bothered me. and I love the new font. much more vibrant. I can see everything much better.

No Terminus, no sale. This is not the font that Cataclysm should be rendered in.

I don’t care one bit for performance boosts if Cataclysm doesn’t look like itself. Please make it possible to replicate the look of the old version perfectly, and if you can’t, keep that thing updated so I can play it instead.

Here’s a visual representation of the visual glitches I’m getting.

Has something about zombie spawns changed? I tried some 10 characters and none of them could get close to the nearest house on the initial raid to a settlement without being assaulted by a horde of zombies. If not, what would be optimal zombie spawn settings to make it as forgiving as possible?

The new system runs fantastically.

Awesome news!

How would I go about building the SDL version from source? I’m already fairly familiar with building the Windows binary (using MinGW), but I’m not sure how the makefile should be modified to build the SDL version (or is there a separate branch for that code somewhere?).