(Experimental Build) No longer able to see UPS conversion modified item's charge?

As of updating to the latest experimental build this morning, I am no longer able to see the charge of items with a UPS conversion mod, or the capacity of my UPS. Is this intentional or a bug? (Note: My converted Electrohack still shows charge, as well as my converted Makeshift welder)

seems to be fixed on latest builds, but mounted kitchen, welders etc are not working anymore, says it has 0 charges as the vehicle battery is full (when u use it to repair, warm food etc…)

I reverted my version after this, guess I’ll just keep waiting for it to be fixed, thanks

Same thing with me, I don’t even think my Internal UPS CBM is charging things. Started a new character Wasteland Cyborg I think the name was, starts with a coil gun and a tactical tonfa, the flashlight and shock function isn’t working due to insufficient power, despite my UPS CBM being active. When batteries got changed recently, it seemed to break UPS dependent objects.

I got UPS converted items into Charging Station (turned on with energy available). But cant use them because they shown like no energy

Doesn’t a ‘UPS converted’ item draw from your UPS? They don’t have a charge themselves any more, just a connection port.

As mentioned in here, if you want to see how many charges you have, you need to loo at the UPS, not at the UPS modded item

Since the battery modification on the code, the recharging station doenst work like that anymore, it only charge batteries now, you need to unload the batteries and put them in the recharging station,