Just throwing this out there as a potential addition…
Artifact ‘Power’
-How powerful a certain effect can be, dependent upon HOW the effect triggers
-From most powerful to least:
*When invoked (artifact is used)
*On kill
*On hit (weapon) or being hit (armor)
*When wielded/worn
*In inventory
Basically this means that the more stable and predictable an effect is the weaker it will be, where as if the artifact just happens to do something every so often it will do it very well!
New ways to gain charges
*Draining Morale
*Loud noises
*Killing a friend
*Being poisoned
*Being shocked
*inhaling smoke/toxic fumes
*Irradiating you
*(Very bad one) Artifact absorbs a bionic!
*(Very bad one) Artifact makes you forget a recipe!
New effects: Wielded/Worn/In inventory
*Makes you illiterate
*Grants a temporary mutation! (This could be the way to implement nether mutations)
*Very heavy / light
*Can’t be easily dropped/unwielded/unworn (Action takes a few hours)
*Ground you walk over is transformed to rubble!
*Lava trail!
*Makes food and drink taste awful/great
*Keeps food from rotting (in inventory) or speeds up the process
*Makes you hated or loved by NPCs
*Keeps you from activating bionics
*Reduces/increase how far you can be from crafting materials
*Add or subtract temporary levels to a skill
*New effects - Random
*Some of the above and pre-existing effects
*Messes with your overmap
*Damages/repairs something in your inventory
*Hurls you through the air
*Mi-go speech
*Infests you with parasites
*Changes itself into an entirely new artifact (Keeps this effect though)
*Lose/gain a turn
*Can’t craft!
*You can be seen through walls!
*New effects - On hit/being hit/kill
*Makes you sleepy, or more wakeful
*Replenishes or diminishes thirst/hunger
*Turn enemy to a pillar of ash/gibs/raging fire/burst of shrapnel
*Teleports you/enemy/both
*Temporarily buffs or debuffs speed/armor/dodge/damage/skill
*effects morale -/+
*Chance to instantly break!
*Creates a nether creature that’s hostile/friendly
*No retreat - You can’t move away from the last enemy you attacked.
*All deaths/attacks that hit cause a boomer-like explosion of goo.
New effects - Weapons only
*Is especially good/bad at smashing
*Can’t hurt living/robotic/nether enemies
*Very good at slaying living/robotic/nether enemies
*Can be fired like a whip
*Returns to hand once thrown
*Uses and trains an inappropriate skill, like cooking.
*Special combat moves
New category of artifacts - Invasive!
*These would be artifacts that are installed like bionics, but can’t be removed afterwards! Expect them to be assorted body horror or painful sounding items (Quivering spike, oozing worm, etc.) Some effects could be:
*Makes mutations less/more visible
*Various special and existing traits/mutations/powers or effects
New effects - Activated
-Reveals the effects of another artifact
-Destroys artifact
-Artifact counts down before exploding
New types of artifacts…