I want to mess with the code for artifacts, but I can’t figure out how to edit them, mess with the values/options for artifact drops, and I can’t even find the folder for the json properties of non-natural artifacts.
Are they cool the way they are now?
Is there any point to getting them? (i.e. running a mine or strange temple)
Artifacts suck right now.
It may be “game breaking,” but I want to get rid of negative properties of artifacts so that my characters actually have a good reason to run these locations, and so that I have something to look forward to late in the game. Can someone help me? I would even be okay with leaving some mildly unpleasant properties, such as increased hunger or thirst, noise, slight pain, slight irradiation, or minor stat debuffs, or even properties that have positive and negative effects, such as light emission when worn, or smoke emission, but as of right now, all of these properties are so extremely debilitating on any artifact that has any relatively useful property. I want artifacts to be powerful tools, weapons, or armor to look forward to rather than avoid. They have literally no use right now, and it seems like an annoying part of the game that hasn’t been balanced yet.
How is making them so f*cking unpleasant, debilitating, or unusable a good way to balance the artifacts that have powerful properties? It makes no sense to me, and I want to fix it. Maybe as a mod, maybe even just in my own build of the game, or maybe mainlined into the game eventually, but right now I just want to play with artifacts as a cool and useful feature, and not a dead end. Literally, an end to the game that involves my character going through crazy trials of the mine or strange temple only to die a stupid death from the loot I got from that venture.