Enhanced realism/Rusty

So in my endeavor to find the perfect survival game, alternate to that of rust, but most importantly, low spec, CDDA is all that comes to mind. That being said, and also being a yuge NEO Scavenger fan, this game has impressed me so much in my last eight hours of playing.
However, there is something that I’ve realized i wanted more of up to this point. And it refers back to the sub; getting a lil’ rusty.
I’m not sure how much it would be to go out of the way, but I would adore something along the lines of:

[ul][li]An option in game play to remove Z’s all together.[/li]
[li]An option adding hostile npc’s.[/li]
[li]An option for hostile/neutral/ally factions and AI/Dialogue.[/li]
[li](I haven’t seen npc’s exhibit scavenging for loot so correct me if I’m wrong)An option for Npc scavenging AI so you can loot looters![/li][/ul]

I’m not sure whether or not this would be too ambitious of a leap because I haven’t read the source for CDDA so spare me the rod if it was a stupid request.

All four of those things are in the game, not completely like functional, but there.

To turn off zeds, when you’re making a world, hit tab once where you select the mods and it’ll bring you to the “blacklist” tab and just select “no monsters”. I don’t know why you’d wanna do that, but you can. It’s gonna be super boring.

Npcs can be added through the world defaults (not the mods) by just turning on static npcs and random npcs when you’re making a world. Random npcs are usually hostile, just like Rust lmao, and it will usually not go so well unless you’re well equipped. Static npcs are the quest line characters, your bandits and other jazz. If you did that and aren’t finding any npcs to shoot you in the face, then crank up the random npc spawn rate up to like 0.50 or even 1.00. If you want the true Rust experience you can turn it up to like 25.00.

You can talk to npcs by pressing shift+c, and there is factions, kind of. I don’t wanna spoil anything, just use the terminal in an evac center and follow from there.

And your fourth question. I usually see like random npcs that I haven’t engaged with yet picking up random shit. I’ve once had an npc steal an engine off my front yard, and I killed him and got my stuff back… so yeah I think you can loot their stuff they’ve picked up.

Just remember it’s capital c to talk to people, I’m assuming you didn’t know that because you were talking about AI dialogue lol.

after updating to the latest experimental build, I implemented those things and was excited.
then the npc’s logic pooped. when attacking hostile npcs, allies don’t do diddly.
either they do nothing or help last second.
this and the lacking loot lots of npcs have makes it less rewarding to even try.
other than that, it’s been okay.

[quote=“TITANDERP, post:3, topic:14120”]after updating to the latest experimental build, I implemented those things and was excited.
then the npc’s logic pooped. when attacking hostile npcs, allies don’t do diddly.
either they do nothing or help last second.[/quote]

Yeah, that’s a bug that was added recently. NPC engagement ranges are being refined to prevent things like NPCs going of to chase squirrels for no good reason.

[quote=“TITANDERP, post:3, topic:14120”]this and the lacking loot lots of npcs have makes it less rewarding to even try.
other than that, it’s been okay.[/quote]

loot drops are being rebalanced a bit, so this might be fixed.

are there any ways to edit engagement rules from source to exclude certain creatures from the new refined engagement range?