Endless Book Reading

Just downloaded cataclysm 0.5 on to my windows 7 machine (this happened on two windows 7 machines) and grabbed a book and selected to read it. I was offered the prompt “Do you want to learn about cooking?” I selected yes and then the game froze up and every half a second or so time advanced and another chunk of reading was done with no input from me and making it impossible to quit reading.

For science I left it running and it stooped when I got to level one. so bug or feature? and if feature let me be the first to say I’m not a big fan!

I think it’s feature and you can end it by pressing esc, I don’t like it either.

The “read until you gain a level” part is a feature.
The “takes several seconds to progress 15 in-game minutes” part is a bug.

From what I understand the latter is caused by some catacurses changes, the windows devs are trying to track it down.

Another note, you can also use the wait command (’.’ or 5 IIRC) and it will query if you want to stop.

It was really annoying to me, I had a zombie bite that got infected and I couldn’t stop reading my book to fix it!

Luckily I was reading a first aid book and fixed it afterward but still… annoying.

You can press 5 and it comes up with a prompt to “Stop reading? Y/N”

My initial displeasure has calmed down now and I think it could be a nice feature at least now I know how to stop it. Personally I’d have you have to keep pressing space to advance the jumps or something.

I preferred reading each chapter manually, personally. The idea was sound, just awkward in practice.

I just love how you can just read books even in the most dire of situations.

Hey, that “fantasy novel” might actually be a Linking Book*. One way out of the dire situation.

*Not really.

You really should be prompted if you want to stop if you do any command. I shouldn’t have to dig into the forums to figure out how to stop reading; it’s not very intuitive at the moment.

The problem is, to this day, Homer Simpson is missing since he started his search for the Any key.
We use ESC for action cancellation, like when events ‘overlap’ or so, and Num5 if you really, really gotta go to the bathroom. Otherwise, every reading is mandatory.

[quote=“vultures, post:12, topic:1279”]The problem is, to this day, Homer Simpson is missing since he started his search for the Any key.
We use ESC for action cancellation, like when events ‘overlap’ or so, and Num5 if you really, really gotta go to the bathroom. Otherwise, every reading is mandatory.[/quote]

This doesn’t make sense.

It makes perfect sense.

I wish i could explain something like he did.
(no sarcasm intended)