
AFAIK pot holes are from cars/trucks/deathmobiles going over a dint or crack and making it worse. As it gets larger so does the amount of damage to and from the vehicles.

Although I do want a way to get airborne from a car. 600kph+pothole=disintegrating car.

If you remove the ability to customize vehicles, they stop being “overpowered” since the only vehicles that can go through a house without breaking both front wheels and heavily damaging their engines are the rare ones such as military and semi trucks (Cars can barely break one wall before losing both wheels and going yellow on most of their front. Flatbed trucks should be moved to semi rarity since those aren’t common in civilian markets) and player made ones.

Anyway, what are ditches on the corners of highways and long roads gonna do? I’m pretty sure there is barely anything worth killing off of highways to change much, so people will just keep their fast transit up. And potholes are, gameplay wise, the same as the currently scattered vehicle hulks (stuff you need to maneuver around, but ultimately doesn’t change much).

AFAIK pot holes are from cars/trucks/deathmobiles going over a dint or crack and making it worse. As it gets larger so does the amount of damage to and from the vehicles.

Although I do want a way to get airborne from a car. 600kph+pothole=disintegrating car.[/quote]

Yeah–and those dings & cracks also get enhanced by water getting in and freeze/thawing. Hence, worse after Winter.

Totally in support of that. More world decay is something I’d love.

I’d rather we don’t end up like The Walking Dead, where several months after the outbreak all of the lawns are still cleanly manicured.

[quote=“The Darkling Wolf, post:24, topic:1614”]Totally in support of that. More world decay is something I’d love.

I’d rather we don’t end up like The Walking Dead, where several months after the outbreak all of the lawns are still cleanly manicured.[/quote]
The goo zombies access the old mind of their host and continue to maintain the world, fueled by the memories of the dead.

Oh god the amount of underbrush taking over lawns, yesss. Reminds me of a friend of mine who NEVER cut their lawn. You could find snakes back there. Just little itty garters, but imagine what that would translate to after a world ending.

Mmm, critters. Delicious critters that think @'s are delicious too.

I imagine that there is just a guy riding a lawnmower around in every town, mowing the lawns and zombies. He’s a beacon of hope for us all, and our manicured lawns.

AFAIK pot holes are from cars/trucks/deathmobiles going over a dint or crack and making it worse. As it gets larger so does the amount of damage to and from the vehicles.

Although I do want a way to get airborne from a car. 600kph+pothole=disintegrating car.[/quote]
I fully support the addition of Fun in all its forms, and this is one of them. It’d be pretty cool to see your car fly apart as well.

Anyway, as I understand it potholes form due to two reasons: water getting into cracks in the road and freezing, causing it to expand and forcing the cracks wider, and, as stated above, simple traffic and lack of maintenance causing any cracks or small depressions in the road to be exacerbated due to the weight of vehicles passing over them. Over time, both of these effects slowly create more tiny cracks in the pavement, causing disintegration of the road surface. This greater area of the defect is then repeatedly filled with freezing water and/or run over repeatedly, creating more cracks, causing more of the road material to disintegrate, etc. and creates a pothole.

Putting all that aside, potholes should be no more common than normal 1 week after the apocalypse and probably equally rare or more so than the random-ass landmines in the middle of the road. However, building a massive death machine probably won’t help matters.

Yeah ditches should be a thing, but I’d ask that they don’t use the ugly yellow/ brown color like pits do. They should be some shade of green, since you know, grass grows in ditches.

Potholes… should be some kind of superficial thing, cracks in the pavement with little weeds growing out of them by spring of next year would be neat, car-exploding pot holes are not realistic. It’s jarring driving over one but it’s not going to damage your car. Same thing with speed bumps, I never slow down for speed bumps and routinely drive over curbs and my car has never exploded once.

I would like to point out that there is a large difference between potholes:

and potholes:

The first kind really only causes problems at extreme high speeds, and then usually the problem is more that you lose control and crash, not that you damage your car. The second one can seriously mess up your wheels though, easily flattening them or destroying the rims.

At high speeds large potholes can even destroy the axles as well:

Larger tires will help the problem quite a lot, but large potholes can easily reach sizes larger then even the biggest tires, at which point they become a threat again.

There have been some rumblings of expanding the driving skill system a bit, and potholes and other “semi-superficial” road hazards would be part of it.

Stay tuned :smiley:

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:31, topic:1614”]There have been some rumblings of expanding the driving skill system a bit, and potholes and other “semi-superficial” road hazards would be part of it.

Stay tuned :D[/quote]

awesome! I knew cars were a joke with all these road-hazards goes off to build a motorbike