Differences between thunder storm and lightning storm?

I assume if they’re different cases, there are some differences but I cannot figure out which ones.

Wiki says about lightning storm

Same as thunder storm. Currently there's no actual lightnings, only thunders.

Too bad.

I hope there are some real lightning effects like starting fires or such. Another option could be either the one-turn or a brief illumination (as the rain effect changes), betraying your position and seeing your surroundings.

Actually the lightning storms were horrible (or at least they were horribly implemented)

I like this, imagine you are sneaking by a few zombie in a stormy night for some supplies and BOOM, lightnings stretch over the dark sky, reveal your position for a moment, but that was all it needed for the zombies to notice you and start shambling toward their prey…

I like this, imagine you are sneaking by a few zombie in a stormy night for some supplies and BOOM, lightnings stretch over the dark sky, reveal your position for a moment, but that was all it needed for the zombies to notice you and start shambling toward their prey…[/quote]

I like it.

Unfortunately for you, lightning existed in Whales’ version of the game and it was horribly traumatizing and mean.

When it came, unless you moved away from your house, all the buildings would burn down around you, and you’d lose all your stuff and die with no warning.

Yea, lightning bolts were house-and-vehicle seeking missiles, so perversely the safest option when a lightning storm came along was to run as far away from shelter as you could. I lost many hard-won vehicles to lightning.

On the other hand, the suggested idea of giving lightning storm lighting flashes without having actually lightning strikes is a damn good one.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:6, topic:3723”]the safest option when a lightning storm came along was to run as far away from shelter as you could.[/quote]Or hide in a basement for a half-hour or so. Time passed regardless, and so did weather. I always hid underground when lightning came so none of my stuff would burn.

I lost many hard-won vehicles to lightning.
This was a real pain in the neck for me, when I was trying to build a mobile base via debug. A lightning storm came along, so I hid in the sleeping compartment, when suddenly "You hear an explosion to the north!". I naturally panicked, and checked the front of the truck; the engine just barely survived, and everything else was functionally obliterated. Cue rage-quit and table flip.

OMG, the lightning storms, AKA you’ve been playing for more than an hour? Time to die storms xD

That was actually what made me take a hiatus from the original cataclysm. I was sleeping and a lightning bolt blew up the corner of my house, starting instantaneous flash fire. I ran out shrieking, and then a zombie hulk spawned.

Yeah, not even rage quit. More like existential crisis quit.

Can I sig this? This is beautiful.

[quote=“Cinghiale”]Yeah, not even rage quit. More like existential crisis quit.[/quote]Sigging this