Deaf for 14 days now, how to cure?

Hearing isn’t 100% essential as long as you be careful enough to peek every corner before you walk to it

Yay, happy semi-prema deafness!

Math is slightly off, each turn is 100 moves. Divide that 304 days by 100.

Yes, 1 turn is 100 moves. But all counters (edit - most counters, but this specifically has turns mentioned) in code are measured in turns. And one turn is 6 seconds. I checked and waiting 30 minutes removes 300 points from the 4,3M deafness stack.
If annyone is intrested, SirPendrak is still allive, became my first non cheating Alpha-mutant, playing without STS or savescum, and now he kills time by grinding all skills to ridicolus levels. ~270 days left, he can do it!


He wants his name back :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That’s… a lot of turns.

Sounds like the function converting blast force to deafness may want to be run through a SQRT to keep it from generating enormous numbers like that - that or something about the blast function is itself generating some really anomalous values.