Crazy idea about adding various USA states

Well this doesn’t do quite what you’re asking for, but it’s kind of similar:

Well, that’s Boston.
There’s been a “secret” project running for about a month to do a test import of GIS data for the state of Massachusetts, the whole thing, roads, building zones, forests, railways, hiking trails, beaches, subways, airports, cranberry bogs, rivers, islands, lakes, hospitals, city halls, everything.

We’re trying to figure out how to handle roads, they end up really messy right now, but we think we have a decent solution for them. The whole thing is looking amazingly good, and I can’t imagine making maps that look like this with procedural generation in a million years (ok maybe in a million, but probably not in the next 10 or so years).

For scale, that black square is one (1) overmap, this picture, the greater Boston metropolitan area, is 5x5 overmaps. If this project pans out, we’ll have an import of the whole state of Massachusetts at this same level of detail, IIRC that came out to 1337 overmaps (no joke, that’s the number).

I know this is pretty much the opposite of what you asked for, but it looks pretty unlikely we’ll ever have an import of the entire contiguous 48 states.

Next most likely candidates are Alaska and Denmark, it turns out it’s dominated by what datasets are available.