Copper tubing in bullet recipes

When I need copper tubing, I raid a nearby lab and disassemble all those refrigerators in those giant empty rooms full of goo.

Should we keep copper tubing rare to make bullet crafting difficult and therefore balanced?
Or is easier crafting what should be done.

So then how do we sneak more copper tubing into the game?
Arbitrary furniture?
Arbitrary items that dissasemble/drop more tubes?
Tubes at more spawn locations?

Maybe it would be apropriate to add coper wire as a possible ingredient.
Or add copper tubing and copper wire as Ingredient to copper jacketting which then replaces the copper tubing in the crafting recepies.

On the copper tubing in general, wouldn’t one have to saw it first to get it into bullet-like shapes? I’d expect something like 1 copper tube and a fine saw = 10-20 copper jackets or something

I thought copper tubes could be crafted from scrap metal. is that right? Maybe I’m thinking of something else. copper wire, that was it. I always imagined the process to be something like sorting through a mess of scrap metal to find the bits you wanted.

You can, but it’s prohibitively time consuming. Takes something like an hour and a half for enough tubing to make five bullets.

Using wire as an ingredient makes no sense whatsoever. Also as many people have pointed out, there is quite a lot of copper tubing around for you to scavenge. This is looking like a non-problem.

Okay, first off, I made the full metal jacket recipes and jacketed bullets to the game.

No, you swage it into a bullet shape with a swage and die set.

Couldn’t we make a recipe for copper tubing that uses copper wire and all the metal smithing tools?

Anyways, I am planning on adding other types of brass to jacket bullets too. (example: 9mm casings in .40/10mm bullets, or even maybe 9mm bullets, .44 magnum casings in .45 bullets, etc), so I didn’t finish my bullet brass stuff. I think there is a chart somewhere on the interwebs I saw that lists the casing sizes and their ability to make casings for other bullets. Let me dig it up.
There it is: