Here is a list about the monsters and their maximum damage with melee attacks.
The list is not complete because special attacks (smg, acid etc.) are not in this list, it is too much work to collect them from the code.
Long list:
number of monster types maximal damage
37 0
5 1
6 2
3 3
8 4
6 5
17 6
1 7
26 8
8 9
8 10
18 12
3 13
6 14
1 15
6 16
2 18
1 19
5 20
2 22
1 23
5 24
1 25
2 26
2 27
1 28
3 30
2 32
1 35
1 40
2 42
1 62
As you can see
45 monsters deals 1-6 damage
61 monsters deals 7-12 damage
18 monsters deals 13-18 damage
14 monsters deals 19-24 damage
9 monsters deals 25-30 damage
7 monsters deals 31-62 damage
I think the damage values are fine, they should be not too high to avoid instadeath.
But next to them the protection values are still too powerful. While Izicata already halved the protection values, still too many common clothes has enough protection value to stop most attacks. A simple leather jacket with 9 protection can completely stop the attack of 80 monster types.
Please nerf it back to the 0.8 version, where the protection values was the 1/6 of the 0.A version.
That would make the armor just lessen the damage and the game would be challenging even head to toe in armor.
Edit: some more clarification.
My problem is clothes acts like a temporary shield. You wear them and you are fine until they are damaged. But it is not a problem, you can wear few layer of clothes or simly take off the damaged one and wear a new one. Or you can repair them between fights. This make the game unrealistic and too easy. Overall, you are vunerable only in the first few days against the strong monsters, after you get enough armor you can just walking around and own the place. Apocalypse become a theme park. Now the clothes and armors are the main solution against the enemies. They should not be. Skill and weapon should be decisive in a fight, armors should be just make the fight easier.