Changes to monster spawning (Complete)

[quote=“RadaRadaRada, post:39, topic:3530”]I might be doing something wrong, but “pack_size” seem to be not working.

I increased spawn frequency on purpose of testing:

{ "monster" : "mon_bat", "freq" : 250, "cost_multiplier" : 1, "pack_size" : [1,8], "conditions" : ["TWILIGHT", "SPRING"] }, { "monster" : "mon_bat", "freq" : 250, "cost_multiplier" : 1, "pack_size" : [1,8], "conditions" : ["TWILIGHT", "SUMMER"] }, { "monster" : "mon_bat", "freq" : 250, "cost_multiplier" : 1, "pack_size" : [1,8], "conditions" : ["TWILIGHT", "AUTUMN"] }, { "monster" : "mon_bat", "freq" : 125, "cost_multiplier" : 1, "pack_size" : [1,8], "conditions" : ["NIGHT", "SPRING"] }, { "monster" : "mon_bat", "freq" : 125, "cost_multiplier" : 1, "pack_size" : [1,8], "conditions" : ["NIGHT", "SUMMER"] }, { "monster" : "mon_bat", "freq" : 125, "cost_multiplier" : 1, "pack_size" : [1,8], "conditions" : ["NIGHT", "AUTUMN"] },[/quote]
Are you sure it’s not working. Keep in mind that each pack spawns in about a 7x7 square, and there is nothing that forces a pack to stay together (so if you don’t notice it right after it spawns it can quickly spread out into individuals, and with your smaller packs that can easily look like a bunch of individual spawns.

An easy way to test pack spawning:
1)Crank up the wolf pack size to 50.
2)Crank up the frequency to 1000
3)Wander around looking for the square of wolves.

Yeah, that seems to be the case. Sorry for the false alarm.