First I want to apologize.
My previous accout was MajesticThree. In “Music Writing” thread I decided to compose game theme and I wrote that it will be done in 2 weeks. I feel a bit silly because few moths have passed from that post. I was lacking of education but I ignored that and wrote that post. With that said…
Requesting feedback. It would be good if someone could say something about it.
Do you want calmer soundtrack/more bass/less bass/a part of song changed ?
I am finding this to be suitably ambient for the role of game accompaniment.
I might rework the trumpet instrument that starts at 1:20 to help it fit in the song more smoothly, but as my knowledge of mixing is minimal, I am uncertain of how to describe what I feel needs tweaking. The notes it’s doing are fine, it’s something about the instrument’s own quality that makes it jarring from the rest of the piece. My complaint is minor.
I REALLY do like how the song builds and fades throughout, it has the perfect mood for the game.
Yeah, it’s very well done as Ambient Instrumental goes. The trumpet is interesting, and the strings/piano do a very good job of conveying a funereal/Dirge. Would not oppose including it in the game.
Unfortunately, I seem to be the only one whose DDA playlist includes high-energy and otherwise upbeat music. Most of it is copyrighted, so can’t suggest it for inclusion, though. :-[
Thank you for your feedback !
I’m glad you liked it.
I’m going make updated version. There are few things that I want to change without changing the piece too much :
More natural/smoother strings
Better transition at 0:55 + some changes to that part
Besides that I will try to do something with the mix.
I like the trumpet but I will think about replaceing it or tweaking its sound.
Like KA, I would also be for some more upbeat stuff too - but I can’t seem to get my brother to write anything that fits the bill XD
My ideal would be for a really nice repertoire that doesn’t get too repetitive - this is a game I tend to leave open for long stints, since it does not require pausing.
As for the trumpet: yeah. I think the specific trumpet sound you utilized just comes across as more staccato than the rest of the instruments, despite the audio mix. I’d try mix tweaking before replacing it. Of course, you could always just try a different trumpet in it’s place. That might work. Again, my complaint is pretty minor
Yea… The instrument quality is indeed low. I need a cleaner sound, better strings, better piano and I can’t achieve it with free Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra library. I will order a new library in a few days. Don’t expect another version too soon. Sorry for delays…(and my english)
I understand very well the waiting for new instrument libraries, namely through my brother as I don’t write music electronically, but… heh. I think he finally got sick of buying things piecemeal and dropped money for Komplete 9. So I hope the order arrives soon for you! Time is important for good music.