Canvas Bag

What is the Canvas Bag good for

Making cement.

and sandbag barricades/walls.

or cut for rags

…or being broken down into thread.

But, surprisingly enough, not carrying things in.

Same for plastic bags. Fascinating how that works.

[quote=“Wally-kun, post:7, topic:9394”]Same for plastic bags. Fascinating how that works.[/quote]you can use string and bags to craft bag what can hold things

All of the comments make a surprisingly coherent statement

What is the Canvas Bag good for

Making cement.
and sandbag barricades/walls.
or cut for rags
…or being broken down into thread.
But, surprisingly enough, not carrying things in.
Same for plastic bags. Fascinating how that works.

[quote=“RADIALTHRONE1, post:9, topic:9394”]All of the comments make a surprisingly coherent statement

What is the Canvas Bag good for

Making cement.
and sandbag barricades/walls.
or cut for rags
…or being broken down into thread.
But, surprisingly enough, not carrying things in.
Same for plastic bags. Fascinating how that works.


I find your lack of incoherence disturbing…

Plastic carrier bag is actually awesome.

How’s the sack.

Quite useful, infact.