Building Graphical on Linux (and other Linux Q&A)

So uh, quick question. Current Experimentals still have sprinting right?

If so, manually moving save to more recent build is
1)install new build
2)move save and config files over
3) play

am I doing something wrong?
I seem to still be playing the stable build I used to make sure this WINE would launch it.

Ok so its definately something to do with graphicalā€¦ console works perfectly for me.

drivers are up to dateā€¦

Oh. need to be using the unix version instead of the GC proprietary version. That seems to fix itā€¦

grr nope. Thats still console any ideas how I can get experimental graphics to work? a command for WINE maybe? or a change to options, or command line change to system?

Why donā€™t you just build a Linux tiles version? That works perfectly fine for me.

Assuming you can compile from source, this command:
builds a fairly fast Linux executable with tiles support.

WTFā€¦ when I try to extract the source file the whole window decides it canā€™t be interacted with

likeā€¦ I can still close the window, or drag it around its not unresponsive, I just canā€™t interact with anything but the window itself.

Edit: Ah, nvm I still had a window open in the background I hadnā€™t finished a propt with

hmā€¦ ok. So what do I run that commandā€¦ on? I am loving Ubuntu, and am taking an edX course on itā€¦ but I have no idea what Im doing with this stuff yet

What are you doing?
clone the repository once:
git clone
enter the new directory
cd Catacylsm-DDA
then run that make command.
then invoke the game:
./catacylsm-tiles &

later, from the Catacylsm-DDA directory, if you want to update:
git fetch; git pull
and then run the make again.

Super easy.


like that?

because I got

Makefile:526: *** "Lua not found by pkg-config, install it or make without 'LUA=1'". Stop.

whats that aboutā€¦ doesnā€™t look like its case sensitive since it returned with different case than in the commandā€¦

You either need to remove LUA=1 from the make command invocation, or add the lua packages to your system. If you want to use mods than use lua, I suggest the latter.

but the lua packages ARE there.

wait you mean the lua libraries donā€™t youā€¦ derp

sigh umā€¦ what are the files I need exactly?

Edit: Oh godā€¦ Im not sure what iā€™m doing anymore.

I installed some kind of lua libraries then uninstalled them because I realized I could just run
install lua5.2
then I realized that was completely different and uninstalled it.
then I poked around and started looking at some of the build stuff on CDDA and reddit and installed some stuff/ tried some commands like nice -n 10 make all -j 4 -s CCACHE=1 RELEASE=1 TILES=1 SOUND=1 LOCALIZE=0 LUA=1 DYNAMIC_LINKING=1 ASTYLE=0 LINTJSON=0 RUNTESTS=0 BACKTRACE=0 LUA_BINARY=luajit[A
that didnā€™t work

If you want to compile against lua, youā€™ll need the lua headers. Theyā€™re usually in a package named something like ā€œliblua5.2-devā€ or whatever.
Or you could just LUA=0 and skip it.

hmm lot of stuff saying to add directory containing SDL2_mixer.pc

Iā€™m a Fedora guy for reasons, for sudo dnf install -y lua*dev* would do it for me.

If you donā€™t want Lua, then the command is

Im Ubuntu so I can ease myself into these thingsā€¦

starting to think that might be null

>apt-cache search sdl mixer dev

gives us some hits, including:

 libsdl2-mixer-dev - Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files

So install that, and that should let you get the sound support working.

yea think I have that after I copied another line off of CDDA site

now its:

make: ccache: Command not found make: ccache: Command not found Makefile:813: recipe for target 'obj/tiles/action.o' failed make: *** [obj/tiles/action.o] Error 127 make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... Makefile:813: recipe for target 'obj/tiles/active_item_cache.o' failed make: *** [obj/tiles/active_item_cache.o] Error 127 make: ccache: Command not found Makefile:813: recipe for target 'obj/tiles/activity_handlers.o' failed make: *** [obj/tiles/activity_handlers.o] Error 127

ccache: Command not found

Thatā€™s easy, you need to install ccache.

Ah, ok I can see that now, that makes sense.


/bin/sh: 1: luajit[A: not found
Makefile:823: recipe for target ā€˜src/lua/catabindings.cppā€™ failed
make: *** [src/lua/catabindings.cpp] Error 127
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobsā€¦

Okay, one more tool missing from your toolkit. Luajit is a thing that speeds up Lua code, make sure you have it installed, and maybe take the [A off the end of your ā€œLUA_BINARY=luajit[Aā€ part of your make command.

installing luajit did a lot of something, but I still get the same return whenI tried the make

hmmā€¦ think I broke it Im still waiting forā€¦ something to finish

accidentally did something that interupted the last commandā€¦ I think? and now it wonā€™t finish and give me a propt

Did you press Ctrl-S? Thatā€™s a scroll lock key, it stops the terminal updating so you can read something or whatever. Press Ctrl-Q to release it.

And definitely take that [A off.