'Bugs' artifact power overpowered?

thanks to this artifact, I will never need to go hunting again. every in game minute i can summon 4 flies, 2-3 bees or 1-2 wasps. not only is this an everlasting source of meat, but it’s also a friggin army. just to make a point, I went into a mansion with no weapons at all and didn’t get a single injury while my pet bees and wasps killed EVERY single zombie in there. I might just have to find a river to toss this artifact into so that I’m not tempted to abuse it.

And the next morning when you wake up you find it resting at its favourit place in your inventory.

Get spooked.

[quote=“Valpo, post:2, topic:9065”]And the next morning when you wake up you find it resting at its favourit place in your inventory.

Get spooked.[/quote]

lol, nice

I am facing a similiar dilemma.
Using my lethal hands vs helpless z seems extremely unfair. So i try to not abuse them for zomby slaughter and rely on my rivtech weaponry instead.— resulting in even faster slaughter… but at least i ll have to craft some ammo first.

throwing awaay my hands isn t a good solution-.

having the same problem with my hands… the day 1 punch dagger isn’t helping either, lol. i don’t even know any martial arts, but I was able to take on a brute with only 3 unarmed/melee and a punch dagger… it’s cray cray… The problem I keep running into is that right around midsummer or so, I’ve crafted everything i want/need and I’ve killed or looted everything within 50 tiles. even making a Death-V just gets tedious after a while.

once you know how to survive the early game, and you’ve beaten the learning curve, there’s little left to make it feel like your toon is worth continuing… It would be really cool if you could end your current toon without killing them, and basically archive that toon as a future NPC with all the skills and gear you had when you archived zhr.

Meh, I would say you simply got lucky, artifact effects and cost to use are pretty much random. And you often also get simple good for nothing artifacts .

possibly… i cant even figure out what the negative effect is. it’s whispering teardrop with bugs for the positive and _____ for the negative. none of the wiki-listed negatives seem to apply

some artifacts are really good like this one time i got a warm rod which is pretty much an infinite range flamethrower that is solar powered… but it was extremly hard to get to for raging fires pop up continuously

I once had one that game me an extra 20 speed while causing it to storm more often. considering my only water source was rain, this worked for me :slight_smile:

+20 speed … awesome.

You were like … a thunder god of sorts.

LOL!.. a directed lightning strike, similar to a shocker blast i guess would be an interesting active positive.

just did another test. using ONLY the ‘bugs’ artifact, I was able to clear a friggin ‘MALL’. also, 4 of my bees were enough to kill a jabberwok… sheezus…

because of how the melee system works theire small size ensure that they are not hit .
the same reason why cats will rek z.

[quote=“Valpo, post:13, topic:9065”]because of how the melee system works theire small size ensure that they are not hit .
the same reason why cats will rek z.[/quote]

I had never seen that before… I think I will need to engineer that situation somehow tonight.

My cat once killed a hulk.

now picture this crap happening in RL…

Thats one of the reasons i am for a melee rework.
I laughed my head of when it happened though :stuck_out_tongue:

was it wearing a fedora?