Bug report - 0.C-17621-g817d3a5 (Curses) - Full Crash when enabling Autopickup*

I have encountered a repeatable crash in this version (0.C-17621-G817d3a5) where apparently any item I attempt to add to Autopickup through inventory, and select “Enable Autopickup now” will hard-crash my game. I do not get any error message.


Start C:DDA
Load world (Ingleside) + Character (Menmenth)
Goto inventory
Select an item
hit + to add to Autopickup rule
Y to enable autopickup now

Of special note: When this crash occurs, it appears to wipe your options back to default. My console size was rechanged after the first crash, although I haven’t tested to make sure it happens EVERY time. Sorry, it’s really late for me at the moment.

I have a dropbox of what I THINK is the entire save file. I glanced through the debug.log file in config, and couldn’t see any sort of error. I can add that in the morning if it becomes desired, just don’t think there’s something of need in there.

Save .zip


(Disclaimer: It’s been a year+ since I’ve messed with dropbox, if that link does not work let me know and I’ll try again)

Works fine for me. Where have you installed the game? Which OS are you using? Which virusscanner?

Well that’s frustrating. I’ll goof around with some more after I finish waking up, see if I can’t narrow it down.

OS: Windows 10
Virus: AVG Free
Location: Secondary harddrive, separate from the OS install.

Well, im running on windows 7. And without AVG. So I can’t reproduce your settings.

What happens when you simply edit the autopickup setting in the options to be true (from the ‘?’ ‘2’ menu, or the main game settings)? And… you have not run out of disk space right?

Haven’t run out of space, no, nearly 200GB free on both OS and Secondary drives.

I was able to enable autopickup from the main menu with no errors, even added some items to auto-pickup as well.

…I hate bug hunting. After testing the above and saving/quitting, I disabled autopickup from the main menu and reloaded my game. Enabling autopickup from inventory now works as expected with no errors that I can tell at the moment.

Sorry for the wild goose chase, I’ll keep an eye on it.

Only thing related I can come up with is that this was the first attempt to use Autopickup since I started this version. Maybe if it doesn’t have autopickup enabled via menu at least once, the inventory shortcut crashes?

This is why i’m not paid to be a bug tester, lol. Sorry again.

That could very wel be it. I played with autopickup before I tested it. So yeah. Will have to test that. Good call.

I’m not sure that’s it either. Just made a fresh install and autopickup enabled from inventory does not crash, despite it not being previously set on this install.

Ugh. Will try a few more times throughout the day, but I’m out of ideas right now.

Okay, I’ve managed to repeat it constantly now, and have steps for you to check on your end.

Again, this is for 0.C-17621-g817d3a5 I have no idea if its fixed in later experimentals.

Extract downloaded .zip to a folder.
Start C:DDA.
Change your options in some manner. (I change my viewport to 160 x 48 since its easy to remember.(
Esc to save changes.
Quit and relaunch C:DDA.
New Game -> Random Char(To save time) -> Defaults on world gen
Accept character.
On game start, open inventory.
Select random item, hit + to toggle Autopickup, Y to enable autopickup now.

Until you enable autopick via menu options, this appears to always crash a game.

Yeah, confirmed it locally on my 5412 exp. Good job finding it.

https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/issues/18128 Made an issue out of it.