Brand new and have some questions please

Hey all, I been watching videos of this game and it looks fantastic. Anywho, I was wondering which build I should download? DO I use the link for windows under stable versions or do I use the download source link or are they both the same versions?

Also is there any good tutorials that I can either read or watch that is somewhat updated and compatible with the most recent build? Thanks…

At this point you should probably get stable. Don’t download the source or you’ll have to compile the game yourself.

The experiemental build is probably harder than the stable. The source is not for people who are only looking to play the game.

You could check out the guide in my sig, that is up to date with the stable. But its already out of date with the experiementals. Itd be a fulltime job keeping it up to date with the experimentals.
It does assume you have a basic familiarity with the game, but you can look all the stuff up and ask us.

Some tips for you:

You can do the tutorial once you start the game up.
When you go to make your own world and character, move the settings to easier than default and pick the “add stereotypical rouguelike builds” or something like that in the mod list.

then pick the rougue, or one of the other characters that becomes available only with that mod active.
smash up stuff in the shelter, and build things with (&). Tools and weapons and such.
(?) will bring up the help menu > from there (1) will show you/ let you edit hotkeys, (2) will let you change game options like you did in main menu in game. Not all changes will be immediate IIRC.

For further help there are a wiki pages for starters:
External Tools
Beginner Character Build Tips
The First day

Did I forget anything?

I feel like the beginner guides reveal a bit too much (might just be me though), it might be better to figure things out with a few play-throughs rather than just reading through guide. I recommend following the above on the technical side however.

I would also rec Experimental vs Stable just because its more feature rich, but really you can’t go wrong with either.

Stable is nicer introduction for someone who has never played though I think. If you are up for it I would definately recommend learning the game on your own instead of getting help, until you run into something that is giving you trouble. Its fun to learn how CDDA works through play rather than wikis and advise.

try experimentals, they are nearly allways stable (only now we have some magazine issues because it quickly changes from one form to another ) and all bugs are quickly repaired by skilled developers and you do not miss nice features