Bionic Space Expanders

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!

After bionics got nerfed, I made a small mod, which introduces four new bionic implants. These increase, after installation the available space for bionic implementations. They’re very hard to find, but can be build (at a price).

Bionic Space Expander Mk. I
"Nanobots replace large parts of the involuntary muscles with an innovativ, synthetic muscle structure (that’s far smaller but equally capable) to expand the available space for bionic implementations."

“occupied_bodyparts”: [
[ “TORSO”, -64 ],
[ “HEAD”, -6 ],
[ “EYES”, -1 ],
[ “MOUTH”, 0 ],
[ “ARM_L”, -9 ],
[ “ARM_R”, -9 ],
[ “HAND_L”, -3 ],
[ “HAND_R”, -3 ],
[ “LEG_L”, -9 ],
[ “LEG_R”, -9 ],
[ “FOOT_L”, -1 ],
[ “FOOT_R”, -1 ]

Bionic Space Expander Mk. II
"Parts of the stroma and skeleton get replaced by nanobots with small storage units to significantly increase the space for bionic implementations in all bodyparts."

“occupied_bodyparts”: [
[ “TORSO”, -128 ],
[ “HEAD”, -12 ],
[ “EYES”, -2 ],
[ “MOUTH”, -1 ],
[ “ARM_L”, -18 ],
[ “ARM_R”, -18 ],
[ “HAND_L”, -7 ],
[ “HAND_R”, -7 ],
[ “LEG_L”, -18 ],
[ “LEG_R”, -18 ],
[ “FOOT_L”, -3 ],
[ “FOOT_R”, -3 ]

Bionic Space Expander Mk. III
"Within picoseconds mikro teleport systems cut currently unused bionic implants in an uncountable number of pieces, move them to otherwise unusable space (like the fat tissue) and restore now needed implants on that location."

“occupied_bodyparts”: [
[ “TORSO”, -192 ],
[ “HEAD”, -18 ],
[ “EYES”, -3 ],
[ “MOUTH”, -2 ],
[ “ARM_L”, -27 ],
[ “ARM_R”, -27 ],
[ “HAND_L”, -10 ],
[ “HAND_R”, -10 ],
[ “LEG_L”, -27 ],
[ “LEG_R”, -27 ],
[ “FOOT_L”, -5 ],
[ “FOOT_R”, -5 ]

Bionic Space Expander Mk. IV
"Through quantum tunneling most of your implants aren’t in this universe anymore … wherever they are: you’ve got a lot more space for bionic implementations!"

“occupied_bodyparts”: [
[ “TORSO”, -256 ],
[ “HEAD”, -24 ],
[ “EYES”, -4 ],
[ “MOUTH”, -3 ],
[ “ARM_L”, -36 ],
[ “ARM_R”, -36 ],
[ “HAND_L”, -14 ],
[ “HAND_R”, -14 ],
[ “LEG_L”, -36 ],
[ “LEG_R”, -36 ],
[ “FOOT_L”, -7 ],
[ “FOOT_R”, -7 ]

I hope you enjoy this mod. I’ll appreciate your critiques!

  • Have fun -



That’s brilliant!

This is good, very good.

I’m still annoyed by the CBM limit. And was thinking of debugging it out of my game.