Bicycle wheel recipe / fold with small wheels

Can we make it so that small wheels are foldable? it seems that small wheel less than 12" in diameter should work in a folding vehicle if casters or a bicycle wheel do.

Also I never understood why you can make a multistroke pneumatic assault rifle that burst fires pebbles at deadly velocity from raw scrap metal, but can’t make a bicycle wheel out of wires, scrap, and plastic chunks.

Because balance, that said the pneumatic weapons should perhaps require some more special raw materials (manual pump and a small gas tank).

How does balance figure in? you can just tear the casters off any shopping cart you find and those are all over the place.

Now that you mention it, you shouldn’t be able to run a vehicle larger than a single tires on casters, either.

yes. The point is that folding vehicles that can’t move are basically useless. There’s no practical reason why you can make a Banded Cart Wheel, a Pneumatic Assault Rife, and a laser turret out of scrap but not a bike wheel.

John Candleberry, I believe that casters, unicycle wheels, and wheelchair wheels current do only count for 1 tile vehicles, but I’d have to double check.

I’ve had my eye on foldable vehicles for a while, and got a list of parts that probably should be foldable:
Bike wheel
Unicycle wheel!
Foldable cargo?
harness (bonus)
Bike horn

I’m gonna look into weight/volume calculations and recipestoo.

Actually I checked casters after reading the message, you can replace the 4 wheels of a car with casters and it will move without problems. Dunno about the other types, but if casters work the others also probably do.

FYI the main holdups on being able to work on foldable vehicles ares the gnarly UI code and making the resultant folded vehicle reflect the weight of its components.

The UI just needs to check that only “folding” parts are added, and item::volume() and item::weight() need to somehow return the correct values for folded items by iterating over the parts the vehicle is composed of.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:8, topic:7843”]FYI the main holdups on being able to work on foldable vehicles ares the gnarly UI code and making the resultant folded vehicle reflect the weight of its components.

The UI just needs to check that only “folding” parts are added, and item::volume() and item::weight() need to somehow return the correct values for folded items by iterating over the parts the vehicle is composed of.[/quote]

Yeah, I noticed that w/v is just an estimate now. I’ll start poking around with it soon. I’d ideally like to add a “volume folded” attribute to reflect that some things collapse better than others. Not sure what the ui issues are you’re referring to though. Let me know if there’s anything else to look into there too.

I know I’ve mentioned wanting to do a lot of things, but I’m going to make this my priority as it’s somewhat achievable.