Best heavy melee weapon for a high strength brute?

I am thinking about which lategame weapon I wanna use.

Lucerne Hammer seems like the obvious ultimate big heavy blunt weapon as it should be realistically and I even have one irl, however it can’t benefit from Barbaran Montante and I need to use a different martial art (Fior Di Battaglia, Sōjutsu or Silat) which won’t fully benefit from my characters high strength and instead use my much, much lower Dexterity and Perception stats, which is not ideal.

Heavy Sledge Hammer is a FU*KING BADASS, BRUTAL weapon with the highest damage in the game and 100% bash so it won’t use multiple armor ratings. I seriously LOVE weapons like this in video games. However it’s really heavy and SUPER SLOOOOW and I am afraid that if I start using it, I would run out of stamina mid fight and get killed or get swarmed by many weaker enemies that a lot of overkill will go to waste on.

The regular Sledge Hammer seems a lot more more practical than the heavy sledgehammer, but it is still quite slow and heavy and has less personality as it kinda feels like a lamer version of the big one.

And the final weapon I am considering is the War Flail. This seems like the most practical of the bunch with reasonable weight and speed for good bash damage and can attack from 1-2 tiles (Lucerne will only practically work from 2 tiles) and access to Barbaran Montante to make full use of my high strength stat. But it’s also not as interesting as the above and won’t do as much damage as Lucerne and Heavy Sledge Hammer.

Do you guys have any advice on this?
Is the Lucerne worth losing out on Barbaran Montante for? Is the heavy sledgehammer viable with high enough stregth and blunt weapon skill?

This is probably obvious, but get two weapons. A heavy one that you like for “heavy” targets. And something with low stamina to kill large groups. (And what you’ll fight back with when your arms get hurt).

In terms of my choice, anything that hits faster than once per second (no more than 100 moves per hit). Also anything with stamina up to 1% per hit. If it’s more than that, I don’t consider it.

Currently, the character carries:

  1. Tempered steel rapier (primary)
  2. National Guard bayonet (secondary)
  3. Throwing knives x3 (against gas and vomiting monsters or for fun)
  4. Rifle (mostly against blazing eyes, electric monsters or shooting someone in a crowd)
  • pipe mace in my backpack to break something.

In the trunk of the car are:

  • steel spear,
  • war hammer,
  • heavy sledge hammer (universal lock pick.),
  • impact knuckles.
  • A kukri, claws, and possibly some other sword with slashing damage will be added soon.

So if you can’t choose, take them all.