Being electrocuted and paralyzed for no reason

[quote=“mercylost, post:1, topic:6374”]I have three bionics. One is a Cranial Flashlight, and the others are power storage. Nothing is nearby to electrocute me.
My only electric item is an MP3 player.

Yet, for the last two days my character keeps being electrocuted, falling on my face, and spasming. It’s actually causing damage and, well, it sucks because I actually like this character.[/quote]

You got tetanus bro. Good luck getting your hands on the meds to cure.

Mercylost brings up a good point, about antibiotics not being effective to the treatment of tetanus. Tetanus is caused by bacterial infection from whatever rusty thing you cut yourself on, it stands to reason that a dose of the ol’ insta-cure antibiotics should clear up tetanus just as fast as they clear up zombie bite infections. Antibiotics aren’t THAT much more common than Diazepam, and allowing them to help treat tetanus as an alternative to Diazepam would give antibiotics some functionality beyond the pills you pop when you realize “OH SNAP, I HAVE A DEEP BITE WOUND AND FOR SOME REASON I LET IT FESTER FOR A DAY AND A HALF WITHOUT USING DISINFECTANT OR FIRST AID OR I SCREWED UP TOO MUCH WITH CAUTERIZING BECAUSE I DIDN’T HAVE EITHER OF THE ABOVE BUT WHEW AT LEAST I HAVE THESE ANTIBIOTICS WHICH ARE SIGNIFICANTLY MORE RARE, EVEN THOUGH IT’S ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED I AM A LOW-RESOURCE CHARACTER WITH NEITHER DISINFECTANT NOR FIRST AID KITS.”


You have a point that I could have avoided using all-caps in my post, I was trying to use it to make a point of some sort, but I can’t really remember what that point was. What can I say, it was late at night when I wrote that. However, I also think that you should have put in a tiny bit more effort into your response; if you actually have a logical/moral disagreement with the points I made, you still could have risen over my mistake of all-caps and attempted a discussion with me, instead of responding with the average courtesy of a common Internet troll. Was it really necessary to make an entire post just to tell me that you would refuse to read my post? I can’t condemn you completely because, as I’ve already stated, I was also in the wrong for the use of caps but in my opinion, your response wasn’t much better and reflects poorly on you. Just a thought.

I am now following up on my original post with a (not all-caps) well-structured chart detailing my previous points in a way that hopefully won’t give Kevin the eyestrain or the annoyance that my previous post apparently did.

It’s mostly in that all caps gets annoying to read when there’s multiple lines of it. I know I have difficulty following it properly.

That said, Is Chart: Did Read, and I agree with you that antibiotics are currently pretty shit tier and do need a buff, having them work against tetanus would be pretty handy.

You can’t possibly make a point with all-caps, it’s purely presentation. You were trying to dramatize or emphasize a point, but instead you ended up obscuring it. Instead of arguing at someone about it, you might want to consider that there’s a reason that typing in all-caps is discouraged and derided on the internet, and stop doing it.

I had no opinion worth stating about the content of your argument, but I did have an opinion about the way you presented it, and that message seems to have come across loud and clear, so I fail to see a problem.
I am in fact considering changes to tetanus*, but I have about a thousand other things to do as well, and a scant few hours a day to do them in.

*If there’s one thing I take away from this, it’s that it’s spelled tet-anus, so now I can spell it correctly, and giggle to myself when I do.

I am now following up on my original post with a (not all-caps) well-structured chart detailing my previous points in a way that hopefully won’t give Kevin the eyestrain or the annoyance that my previous post apparently did.
