Anyone else kinda want chicken walkers loose in labs?

Just a small chance of running into one, not common. Maybe occasionally let one of those shoggoths spawn somewhere other than in a cage. Something to spice it up down there.

Chicken walkers and shoggoths are too weak for badass survivors (seriously,it’s possible to punch them to death).

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Sounds like a horrible idea.

Lab runs are already tough enough by “WHOOPS SPAGETT TURRET ATTACK!”.

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Currently, the layout of labs allows for easy retreat with metal doors at every section of lab. If I encountered a Shoggoth or walker as a new survivor I would probably close the door and mark it as do not open much like the turrets. Not many monsters can get through metal doors. I don’t think this would add much of a challenge, just more of a surprise hazard that can be easily avoided but dangerous to remove.

The shoggoth I’m fine with having loose in the lab. You can outwalk it.

Imho of you want higher difficulty in labs it would better to first make the layouts and the spawn points more sane.

Just throwing arbitrarily strong monsters into the layout is more likely to result in players simply avoiding the room or lab.

Exactly. Leading cause of death in labs is failing to paying attention and not clearly marking which doors open into turret rooms. Only going to fuck you over if you’re slowed from cold, though as you can usually find a bed room for material this is only likely in an ice lab. In which case, you’ve got far bigger problems to worry about.

Added variety of threats would make the labs more INTERESTING, but not necessarily more difficult.

Right now my biggest problem with labs is getting lost, and getting too cold in ice labs.

Problem number three “I’m under-equipped for this” is only because I do the lab challenge so it’s my game start. I find the lack of gear does a decent job of ‘making things interesting’ but it’s not exactly balanced and fair (duh, challenge mode).

I want flamethrower armed skitterbots that drop from vents randomly in labs. That would be chaotic and fun.

how bout a acid lab one where it has unstalble platforms over a large pool of acid, and alot of brutes, more to throw you with. and not that many doors except to control rooms to drain acid

Not sure if serious or sarcasm any more.

I wouldn’t mind a puzzle element to lab navigation, say, for controlled-climate testing rooms. Obviously employees wouldn’t navigate that shit so there’d still be sane hallways.

On the whole topic of labs I had this to say:

[spoiler=Revamp?]To be frank this isn’t a post about the general feel or difficulty of labs but rather–to my frustration–the tendency for Security bots to walk into dissectors and vaporize your finale loot thanks to the +5 explosions got recently.

I would propose instead of the large room with lab Zeds and Bots slugging it out on the last floor that is more often than not the case, one of the following:


*A singular corridor that leads into a checkpoint proper. At the entrance you have the re-risen dead gunned down mid escape. Now zombies they’re futilely trying to push down the turret lined corridor. I’d suggest a setup similar to Military bunkers, where the turrets are placed in little nooks in the wall–put have a longer range rifle variant at the very end of the hall, next to one of those hack or crack security doors. A ‘destroyed’ variant of this could exist, being utterly over-run by nether creatures.

*An unassuming corridor that’s protected by laser tripwires. Using infrared vision would reveal them, allowing savvy players to bypass the system entirely by memorizing the pattern. Tripping it would cause barriers of reinforced glass to drop and the hall would rapidly being to raise in temperature or bombard the player with radiation

*A simple unassuming lobby–save for the downed strike team between you and the control panel. Power-armor zombies and bio-operators.

Main Room

  • Firstly there probably shouldn’t be any dissectors laying around. As is they’re a bigger threat to the enemies and your loot than they are to players. If their ARE traps they shouldn’t hinder the security or zeds. Anything you’d be looking to grab should probably be sealed up tight in some sort of case or sufficiently sturdy.

*I’m all for unique encounters like one finds in the mines. Boss Nether creatures or a NON-damaged cyborg fit the bill. Some ideas off the top of my head?

CVD machine: Bio-Operator with an ugly, damaged but diamond-coated pair of bionic claws. Probably died trying to do it without the proper know how.

Portal and Containment: How about a scenario where the portal is open and you get messages letting you know you ‘feel’ a threatening presence drawing closer. The room is full of various monsters that’ll slow you down as you try and find niffy loot. Overstay your welcome and something along the line of an ancient shoggoth, Mi-Go’s armed with spears and nets or creature that generates pain from being seen shows up.

If everything’s contained the bots probably want to keep it that way, perfect excuse for a working cyborg (Think undead robocop) to spoil your day. He’d have some serious armor values, a few bionics and a powerful handgun. Probably some bio-operator style slams and shoves if you press melee with him.

Weapon and Nuclear Storage: For the Nuke stockpile best I can think up is that a few went off already. Making the room difficult to traverse due to rubble and obstructions and giving survivors a healthy green glow for their trouble

The good weapons on the other hand? A very determined and hostile band of NPCs have armed themselves and aren’t just about to hand them over. Could be everything from bandits that got in before you, scientists that broke under the stress or masterless mutant run amok.[/spoiler]

right now labs have chaotic layout where sometimes stairs lead to shogoth cage while upstairs are not contained

labs need some rework before we think about increasing difficulty maybe give multiple types of labs and/or break labs into wings alslo enterance look kinda weak when compared to military bunker, giving this same design to lab but with 9mm turrets instead of millspec will be not bad idea

Wouldn’t chicken walkers be too large to believable fit in a lab? Maybe a large hanger room or something, just hard to imagine. But I could see that being terrifying, walking around with two duvets and a house coat wrapped around my character then opening a large door to find one of them staring back. Ain’t no dodging that while your wearing a bed

I think Chicken Walkers would be much too large to fit inside a Lab. How would they even get down the stairs to enter the Lab in the first place? Labs are already pretty damn dangerous I think.

I can only assume they’d be shipped in parts and assembled. Could maybe thus make special “large robot” spawns that have a chance of either spawning assorted pieces or an intact robot. We’d need “monster OR item” spawning though.

How big is a chicken walker anyway… i kinda guessed them to be around a hulk’s size…

How the flying fuck did you fail that hard at the link tag? :V

here remembers that movie…and now here wants to dig out the tape to rewatch it…

now all it needs to do is demand you drop your weapons