Any good Let's Play videos where the player survives a long time/

I have been playing a lot of this game lately and am getting my butt kicked. I have lasted a few days a couple times but always end up getting chased down by hordes.
I’ve learned a lot from watching people play, like that you can close blinds on windows, and I was wondering if you guys know any great videos that might show me some tips in regards to surviving a long time.



Those are the best ones I know, you also have One F Jef but he doesn’t survive for too long and it’s old versions aswell.

I’ve made a few in older versions, but the latest experimental version have been tearing me a new anus. The game seems a lot harder these days to me.

Check them out if you like:

TheZemalf does a great job with DDA stuff. Here’s a 0.A let’s play.

A German fellow that goes by the name Gordon Overkill did a cool let’s play, but it never really had a proper finish.

[quote=“12doze12, post:2, topic:7276”]0.9:


Those are the best ones I know, you also have One F Jef but he doesn’t survive for too long and it’s old versions aswell.[/quote]

Das got me into Distant Worlds! I will have to watch his. Thanks for the tip.

Thanks everyone else as well. These will keep me busy!

Fengferth plays using the latest experimental builds, and his videos are very enjoyable

SilverDragonLord does DDA as well, and just started an experimental run through:
CataclysmDDA playlist -

[quote=“Heema, post:7, topic:7276”]Fengferth plays using the latest experimental builds, and his videos are very enjoyable

I watch alot of his stuff, hes a really good ytuber. Think he even tossed in some educational Cdda vids

One F Jef recently started doing Cataclysm:DDA again, he never survives that long but theres a chance he might eventually have a successful character

This is Jef we are talking about. If he survives past day 2, he will be on fire within an ingame hour.

This is Jef we are talking about. If he survives past day 2, he will be on fire within an ingame hour.[/quote]

Jef is likely to realise he’s about to survive day 2 and then set himself on fire while trying to beat a Jabberwock to death with his socks.

He’d probably survive the Jabberwock encounter only to get killed by a rat anyway

That’s not fair on Jef, the last video series/livestream off DDA I watched by him he had a character that had been alive for in-game months. Watching that stream was what taught me what I needed to survive a similar length of time. (I died in the stupidest way in the end, exiting a still slowly moving car and practically exploding.)

Im pretty sure Jef purposely plays recklessly and gets himself killed, watching him be bad at games is half the fun, although I know he’s a lot better at most games than he seems

He started playing dda experimentals and placing them on youtube again. I coudnt agree with you more just look how long he survived in IL2 the original series 100 ish episodes and that game is nuts hard.


Haven’t watched all of his IL-2 playlists, and there is more than one playlist for this, what I have seen was pretty good though, assuming theres no problem with me posting a link to it here so you can check it out if you’re curious