I think that having a new way of making traps would be neat, and increase the use of traps by making the process more fun.
I was thinking of having a separate menu a lot like the one used for vehicles, where you can link up different components that you place down manually, but on a limited grid. To link up a trigger to an object would require 1 rope per tile or something. Possibly making different components effect trigger chance too, having a wire linkage would be less likely to break than string and what-not.
Having higher trapping skill making the maximum number of parts in a tile seems fair, since you’d be more experienced in how much clearance X needs to work properly.
Allowing traps to “wield” weapons would be a nice use of all of the excess weapons that wind up being accumulated too, an M72 LAW hung above the door and rigged up to a tripwire isn’t all that bad of an idea in the cataclysm.