Adding new items and weapons

k thanks, I found it. However (yes I keep running into trouble) it doesn’t like I can use uneven numbers for the required str as in game.cpp it says u.str.cur < 4 and u.str.cur < 5 as conditions for 8 and 10 str respectively. Am I allowed to use floating point for this if I want for say use 9 str as req? or does it have to be an integer, because that would suck.

STR8_DRAW and STR10_DRAW are hard-coded; the number is part of the name, not used in calculations. Little confusing, yeah.

That should really be made into a parameter, though…

[quote=“Slax, post:16, topic:1360”]Just popping in for a visit.
Another electronics craft could be a laser sight. Perhaps just a conference demonstration pen with some duct tape on it or a complete craft in itself. Good for a short range to-hit bonus. Rendered mute with actual firearms/weapon skill. Probably more effective in darkness.[/quote]

Heh, I was thinking about that the other day, too. A good one.

I think this could be a suitable thread since this post is about items, but also Construction:
I added what I called a “medium” wood axe, smaller, lighter and not as damaging as the vanilla “wood axe” but larger etc than the hatchet. I can add this to the Construction.cpp easily enough. But I got to thinking: this axe is meant to be smaller. One way of thinking is that this might not typically be used to chop down a “7” tree, perhaps more just for chopping logs up etc. But if it were able to be used for chopping a tree down, after all, it’s still an axe, it’d take longer than it’s full-sized counterpart. Same would apply I think to chopping down trees with the normal wood axe as opposed to a chainsaw. I reckon a chainsaw would be faster. Again, same applies to using a digging stick vs a shovel to dig a pit. Shovel would be faster, I think.

So, is it possible to have different time requirements for the same construction action depending on tools used? I assume it would be… I get the concept how it could work, I think; in the construction “recipe”, if tool is “x” time is therefore “t1” else if tool is “y” time is then “t2”. But I don’t know C++; only basic C# and Java and it doesn’t translate too much for me, my programming skills are fairly average.

Tools having different qualities and taking more or less time to do a task is planned.

Ah yep, I remember reading that now…sorry :wink:

[quote=“Soron, post:14, topic:1360”]An electrified weapon would be really nifty, and we’ve got the ability to add flags to items post-creation. It would be entirely possible to modify weapons on the fly, if someone wrote up the code for it.

It could probably be done via an Electronics craft, with either Mechanics or Melee as a secondary skill?[/quote]

I’m gonna look into this. If you have more specific ideas of what the electronic weapons could be like, lemme know. I probably won’t be able to make the electricity jump from target to target, but I can try to make it more like a thundershock which spreads around from where it hits.

Can we mod creatures in the current version? I’d really like to make some kind of mosters like a zombie crocodile or something.

Not through the JSON’s, no.

If you can compile then all of the various definitions are in mtypedef.cpp, though.

Sorry if it’s been brought up, it’s been a while since I Cataclysm’ed. What’s the current state of item flags? I’ve just downloaded the latest version and the latest source to make the few personal changes I like.

I’ve added a new sword and a new axe and given them the “MESSY” flag. This flag already exists on chainsaw. But when compiled and ran, the game displays the invalid item flag message, referring to “messy”.