Ability to fix Broken Consoles

Would be nice to be able to fix broken consoles especially in the labs.

For example:

Console consists of components (either fixed or random - processor board, ram, etc). If any of the components is fried (be it failed hacking or rng), then player would be able to replace said parts to try again etc.

Also on the sidenote more indepth hacking and ability to use USB sticks would be nice.

Upon failed attempt ? sure I actually find it ridiculous that a PC would randomly break or shock you when you are attempting to bypass the system (The manhacks are understandable) but there is a slight issue in that usually what breaks PCs for me are EMP grenades.

A EMP would wipe or really fuck with the hard drive as basically all hard drive information is stored and written by magnetic fields…And while you could replace the hard drive you would have to load a new OS which would prevent you from accessing the programs and archives upon it

[quote=“Lyca0n, post:2, topic:13346”]Upon failed attempt ? sure I actually find it ridiculous that a PC would randomly break or shock you when you are attempting to bypass the system (The manhacks are understandable) but there is a slight issue in that usually what breaks PCs for me are EMP grenades.

A EMP would wipe or really fuck with the hard drive as basically a hard drive information is stored and written by magnetic fields…And while you could replace the hard drive you would have to load a new OS which would prevent you from accessing the programs and archives upon it[/quote]

Terminals usually dont have hard drives and are “dumb clients displaying server commands”, so it would let you even fix a console hit by EMP by replacing every part required for it to function as EMP would fry them all. But its all food for thought.

Again if that is the case why are the old clunker terminals so prominent in this game and its Era ??? as I have never seen a single thing similar to a terminal since my father’s ZX81, plus most terminals in the game are within what is meant to be a state of the art science facility or a hospital neither of which would use something as inefficient for info storage and equipment interaction

It boils down to realism vs playability. It isnt hard to make-believe that those state of the art consoles could all be dumb terminals, thus increasing playability. And videogames are all about dat playability, because realism will never be realistic enough due to difficulty of implementation and finite resources of modern computers - simulating everything from cell division to blink rate to everything else is a pretty complex task.

E: While its also plausible for the servers to detect tampering attempts and drop said terminals, it can be as plausible for the servers to send “fry em, boyz”. The repairing would allow characters with lesser skill to try again instead of shutting them out “until computer 5 - 6”.

[quote=“Lyca0n, post:2, topic:13346”]Upon failed attempt ? sure I actually find it ridiculous that a PC would randomly break or shock you when you are attempting to bypass the system (The manhacks are understandable) but there is a slight issue in that usually what breaks PCs for me are EMP grenades.

A EMP would wipe or really fuck with the hard drive as basically all hard drive information is stored and written by magnetic fields…And while you could replace the hard drive you would have to load a new OS which would prevent you from accessing the programs and archives upon it[/quote]

Do all terminals in the game come with onboard magnets/thermite or something, which destroys the terminal if hacking attempts fail?

Apparently in this universe x),

yeah also you could simply remove the the shut down option, keep in the destruction via EMP and enable you to force entry on locked out PC’s with a hackPro

Such “inconsistencies” are easily hand-waved by simply pointing out that this is an alternative science fiction universe. You could easily ask similar questions about the Fallout game universe, but no one ever does because the games are so well made and fun that you barely notice the apparent anachronism of ultra high-tech laser weapons created in factories full of terminals that look like they come from the dawn of computing (in our world).

Yes however there is a lore based explanation in fallout as to why those aspects of technology are limited while others expand, as far as I am aware Cataclysms universe is meant to be set in our own to a certain point

Also there are a lot of narrative inconsistencies in fallout beyond the tech, while I do agree that they are fun I do notice these things in fallout and it always nags me such as can you tell me exactly what the inhabitants of D.C eat in fallout 3 or perhaps in Fallout 4 why the fuck you cannot prove to Father in the institute that synths are sentient (Picard style) ?
I actually never played fallout 3 for more than seven hours vanilla due to this very reason and while I love fallout 4 I tended to spend more time playing it like Rust until Nuka world and Far harbor were released

From what I’ve read, the atmosphere of the US at the time of the Cataclysm is one of extreme paranoia - it wouldn’t be unreasonable to them to have such extreme measures on the terminals in anticipation of Chinese spies. That might help explain it.

Yes but what company or establishment destroys a PC with valuable info over a failed log in attempt ??? maybe alert security (Bots and manhacks) and lock out the User from the database but I could never imagine them getting away with shocking someone without insurance agencies and trade unions getting into the mix

You also have to remember that the society was functioning (poorly but still functioning) this entails all of the consequences of fucking with your workers (test subjects and mutants are a different story as prisoners are sub humans in the eyes of this US)

Keep in mind that these are consoles, not your typical home computer. That is, by destroying them, you only lose the relatively cheap mass-produced components used to make them. The actual information is likely stored on a central mainframe.
Really, the loss here is the loss of an access point. If tampering is detected, then in the eyes of the designer, that likely means that the access point has been compromised. Therefore, it gets destroyed.
As for human harm, remember that when hacking into a computer, you’re specifically trying to bypass its security features. Your typical worker would have access and thus would never have any real reason to do this - thus, if tampering is detected, it can be reasonably assumed that whoever is doing it is a Chinese/Russian spy or somebody else. If the system malfunctions and somehow injures somebody, propaganda and the political atmosphere at the time has that covered. Lethal security measures killed somebody? With the constant threat of Chinese invasion, unfortunate but necessary: this man died in the line of duty! Worker’s unions protesting? A communist plot from Russia meant to destabilize our capitalist society! The US government at the time of the Cataclysm is pretty well-known for being pretty over-the-top when it comes to defending against the Chinese/Russian threat, after all - civilians are encouraged to arm up to defend against an invasion, and can buy automatic weapons and explosives to do so, IIRC.

Get your point on the pointless patriotic bullshit the US has and could use but I was unaware that they were connected to a localized server ??? (this brings possibilities to the Hacking skill if that is so) is there anything in game to back this up as I was barely aware that these were beyond standard PCs or terminals with a basic electronics interface…Plus why the fuck was I shocked/shut down in a police station and hospital if that is the case…the entire civil sector cannot be run off of a unified server like bloody skynet…can it …I smell either potential for hacking skill to be used cross facility and future fun for a skynet style AI dialogue if this is what the creators intended

Why is it that when someone makes a easy idea of “Lets fix pc’s” I end up criticizing it then suggesting creating a baffling amount of bullshit probably unrelated to the original intent ?

[quote=“Lyca0n, post:13, topic:13346”]Get your point on the pointless patriotic bullshit the US has and could use but I was unaware that they were connected to a localized server ??? (this brings possibilities to the Hacking skill if that is so) is there anything in game to back this up as I was barely aware that these were beyond standard PCs or terminals with a basic electronics interface…Plus why the fuck was I shocked/shut down in a police station and hospital if that is the case…the entire civil sector cannot be run off of a unified server like bloody skynet…can it …I smell either potential for hacking skill to be used cross facility and future fun for a skynet style AI dialogue if this is what the creators intended

Why is it that when someone makes a easy idea of “Lets fix pc’s” I end up criticizing it then suggesting creating a baffling amount of bullshit probably unrelated to the original intent ?[/quote]

Might have something to do with the meds that you forgot to take that morning.