I’ve been noticing that every playthrough I do of cataclysm that’s successful, I just go straight for the best car I can find and turn it into a mobile base, quickly founding it into an all-in-one storage and living in luxury crafting hub horde on wheels. Add in some curtains and practice smart parking with automated turrets and the biggest threat you’ll face is your own dumb self.
It’s understandable that being mobile in cataDDA has its severe advantages vs settling down, and there’s even story involving moving west, so I can definitely see vehicles and mobile bases being a mid-high to end-game thing. My concern is more that I often mid-early game find an intact good vehicle like a humvee or a cop car or something, and with the help of a few tools and books and a little luck with night raids, end up bypassing large swaths of the crafting tree and living low-risk.
So, a few ideas I can think of to propose as an optional mod, to attempt to push them up a bit, so things like soda can stoves and lamp oil cookers and etc can see more usefulness, and survival can be a little bit more difficult.
Car A/C heating. - A mod that attaches to the engine, that you can turn on/off via controls. Would work as it does now, but not for free. You’d have to sacrifice battery power to gain the temp stabilizing benefits, and it would cost more battery the more extreme the outside temperature is. Some alternate low-tech and even non-vehicle requiring methods for cooling down/heating up would be great too.
Remove or nerf the ability to put alternators on foot pedals. - The idea of a generator bike isn’t that outlandish, and is pretty cool a concept especially in a postmodern era that catadda is set in. Unfortunately you can duct tape a truck and car alternator to a foot pedal currently, and in the span of a few days, charge up extraordinary amounts of battery at just the cost of more food/drink resources and sleeping downtime.
I could see maybe a special small alternator that could be put on foot pedals that could produce enough charge to run a floodlight or recharging station trunk, maybe at best a mini fridge, possibly augmented/detriment by character strength and size mutations…
- Change to vehicle rigs -
This is a big one, cause of the ability to eventually consolidate all your crafting tool needs to one battery source. Also that changing this would require you alter the existing vehicles that use them.
Really, I have a few options how this might be done:
First idea is that the current recipies could be replaced with “folding carts”, and the individual rigs crafting and installation pushed up to much higher skill levels. With this, vehicles that already have the rigs installed would suddenly become more valuable, and making a single base vehicle with all of the crafting stations would be pushed to later game.
In it’s place would be craftable ‘carts’. Like folding bicycles, basically, but higher volume and for crafting stations. They’d have bigger material requirements. You’d unfold them and they’d be like a welding rig; with a storage battery and some casters and the rig itself. That way, it would encourage either carrying them around in a bunch of cargo carriers and stopping to deploy them, or building a stationary base where you can set them and your salvage storage up at. Some jumper cables or heavy duty cables and some creativity could go a long way.
Second idea is the same as above, but remove the non-crafting station rigs entirely. Not sure how well this’d play with the vehicles that have rigs installed.
Third idea might just be to not do the carts at all, and just move the requirements way up.
Either way, it’d change the dynamics at least a little bit, and might make alternate solutions more attractive.
In closing, anyone have two or three cents to contribute? If I’m just being dumb, then that’s probably relevant too.