I died by running over a gas pump in a car going a good 20+ mph.
“You’re caught in the explosion” was the last message.
Asked to watch the deathcam. I said sure.
What I see.
My corpse blinking. I’m dead with no head left. (was at … before this)
every zed that was nearby and within sound range 7
walking over and pounding on my car.
time ticking by in 6s increments. we’re on 5 hrs now.
Shouldn’t the loop close on the reply after showing me the deathcam. (not that I saw any exploision, this happened immediately).
So even if I died instantly, I’d expect the loop to close and it to at least kick me to a menu. I now have to kill the game for this. Which if the game didn’t save. Will pop me back alive.
edit: Checking the character is still alive. I have autosave for 15min. It probably should have kicked off, but it feels like it was actually stuck in a deathcam loop that never completed so the normal processing wasn’t working. (No commands work)
Uh, did it ask you to push something to quit? If it did, you did, and it didn’t catch, then that’s a bug–thanks–but the deathcam doesn’t stop on its own.