Whoops, that's a perfectly fine bug to report here, it doesn't have to be showstoppers. Thanks a lot.
Well in that case, here’s a pretty odd little thing.
I just drank some cooked fruit (yes, apparently, you drink a fried apple) and my character’s speed dropped significantly. Also it seems that fried apples inherently taste nasty to everyone. Going into my character sheet, cooked fruit is indeed a very powerful depressant.
Currently in comestibles.json of the prospective 0.9:
"type" : "COMESTIBLE",
"id" : "fruit_cooked",
"name" : "cooked fruit",
"weight" : 100,
"color" : "red",
"addiction_type" : "none",
"spoils_in" : 90,
"use_action" : "NONE",
"stim" : -24,
"container" : "jar_3l_glass",
"to_hit" : 0,
"comestible_type" : "DRINK",
"symbol" : "~",
"quench" : 0,
"heal" : 0,
"addiction_potential" : 0,
"nutrition" : 18,
"description" : "It's like fruit jam, only without sugar.",
"price" : 10,
"material" : "null",
"tool" : "null",
"volume" : 1,
"cutting" : 0,
"phase" : "liquid",
"charges" : 1,
"bashing" : 0,
"fun" : -2,
"flags" : ["USE_EAT_VERB"]
Note the lines:
"stim" : -24
"fun" : -2
While this is probably going to be fixed, I would like to go on the record as saying that I for one love the inebriating effects of fried apples. That is, in spite of their seemingly horrid taste.