0.9-4095-g3490e08 turrets and mounted weapons taking too long to shoot :(

not sure whether to post this in bug reports or suggestions.

is there a way to speed up the shooting for my turrets? currently it seems that the game feels the need to do a blow-by-blow for each and every single bullet that my turrets and mounted weapons fire when i’m close by. this makes for EXTREMELY slow gameplay, especially when i have multiple turrets/MWs which are each firing at targets at the same time.

and by slow firing i mean that you have to sit and watch as each projectile slowly travels to it’s target. this is aggravating not to mention totally unrealistic; you can’t watch a bullet travel through the air in real life, this isn’t the fucking Matrix.

I’m gonna assume you’re having issues with the M2 Browning and I think that’s because the “burst” size is 25 rounds, not like 3 with most weapons.

[quote=“EkarusRyndren, post:3, topic:4977”]I’m gonna assume you’re having issues with the M2 Browning and I think that’s because the “burst” size is 25 rounds, not like 3 with most weapons.[/quote]that could be it, though even the smaller burst size weapons still have the slow motion projectiles, which is a little annoying.

thanks for posting that on Github, i’m still new to it so i don’t really know my way around the site.