Zombies not spawning?

I keep having trouble with getting any zombies to spawn. Is it possible that either the slow zombie, no-ressurect, or no monsters mods are causing issues? Or the fact that I’m starting in summer is possibly making them not spawn? It’s only been since 0.B.

I keep having trouble with getting any zombies to spawn. Is it possible that either the slow zombie, no-ressurect, or [b]no monsters[/b] mods are causing issues? Or the fact that I'm starting in summer is possibly making them not spawn? It's only been since 0.B.

Correct me, if I’m wrong but don’t you have your answer right there?

I thought it said no monsters just makes nothing spawn besides the wildlife and zombies, if thats the case then whoooooooops.

I thought so too.


Hahaha, well, it’s ok! Had some confusion with it too.