I threw grenade at two zombie grenadiers in a lab barrack. I hid, but after the explosion i found them unharmed. I reloaded the game and tried again with the same results. So i reloaded again and stayed close to see what happens. Every one of us was just few tiles away from the grenade, but because i was next to the door i saw only one of them.
You are hit by an immese number of bomb fragments, dealing 399 damage!
The zombie grenadier is hit by an immense number of bomb framgents, but they deal no damage.
I stepped in to see the other grenadier, it was lightly injured. The next second a grenade hack exploded into my face and the grenadiers few tiles away survived that too. I was not in the shape to check their health this time.
I’ll take a look, I tuned grenade fragments to be stopped by fairly heavy armor, and grenadier zombies don’t qualify.
That reminds me, I was gonna nerf grenade hacks, because they’re supposed to be some teeny little flying bomb, not a full sized hand grenade. Should be a change in player’s favor considering how lethal genadiers are now.
I don’t encounter much grenadiers in the game but you should be careful. Hack the grenade hacks with control laptop and (e)xamine it to take it as your item. Do this frequently until there’s no more grenade stocks in their pockets.