
A few people said Z-Levels are in a decent state (PK re-balance recommended setting), so I started a game with them… And while cool, so far is has been annoying.

Reason is that I’m always getting interrupted by noise. Started in a lab and get noise from the prisoners, the cyborgs and others. I can go all the way to the top and still hear them. Interrupts sleep, crafting and even moving items.

So question is, can you more easily ignore a single source of sound that you know isn’t a threat? If I decide to, is turning of Z-Levels save compatible?
Anyone else have thoughts on this that use it?

Are there any mods where Z-Levels is used to good effect?

You can’t ignore noise when sleeping. You need ear plugs or noise cancelling headwear for that.

Labs don’t work too well with z-levels because of all the screaming mi-gos. Rest of the world is fine.

It should be safe to turn them off in a save.

So don’t make a lab my home. Got it. Thanks for the answers.

I love zlevels. it makes the game more alive.

But labs are a weak point, and I dont have expie3d view on.

Noise-cancelling headgear is REALLY easy to make…

Noise-cancelling headgear is REALLY easy to make…[/quote]

Or just, y’know, kill the fucking Mi-gos. I hate Mi-gos so much. Fucking Mi-gos.

Noise-cancelling headgear is REALLY easy to make…[/quote]

Or just, y’know, kill the fucking Mi-gos. I hate Mi-gos so much. Fucking Mi-gos.[/quote]

Well, yeah, that too… but they are in cages that are difficult for new characters to get into (and really, you want to get into them to kill off the brutes there more than the migos, at least for an area you want to live in, before any of them evolve into hulks). Also, shoggoths also make noise, and there’s NO way for a new character to kill one of those (and they’re in protective cages as well).

Noise-cancelling headgear is REALLY easy to make…[/quote]

Or just, y’know, kill the fucking Mi-gos. I hate Mi-gos so much. Fucking Mi-gos.[/quote]

Well, yeah, that too… but they are in cages that are difficult for new characters to get into (and really, you want to get into them to kill off the brutes there more than the migos, at least for an area you want to live in, before any of them evolve into hulks). Also, shoggoths also make noise, and there’s NO way for a new character to kill one of those (and they’re in protective cages as well).[/quote]

Well, you can lure them into a slime pit and turn them into a relatively less dangerous blob.

the gelatin will do that blobmaking too.

err the amoeba. it regularly slimes zeds and wildlife alike

Those things can be a minor annoyance if they spawn in a city. One night it’s just zombies, then a few days later the street suddenly lacks zombies but is flooded with so many blobs.

That’s annoying to me because it gets rid of all the loot (including possible CBMs), but combat-wise, it’s actually a big downgrade. Blobs are MUCH easier to kill than zombies, especially some of the evolved ones (hulks and predators come to mind, along with necromancers, of course).

We need some new blob types and a blob resistance roll. It doesn’t make sense for hulks to blobbify into regular crap blob.
Acidic blobs would certainly make blobs more scary.

I think it makes sense to have noises disturb you from above/below levels, heck whoever has ever lived in an apartment block felt the pain here.

What bothered me with the Z level with the experimental from a month/few weeks back was that the zombies would teleport next to me if I slept in a basement. For example, I would be in an evac, had zombies outside, I would go down to the basement (closing the doors behind me), go to sleep and pam I would find myself with a zombie waking me up although the doors in the basement are closed and have not been hit …
I’m not sure if this has been fixed in the mean time as the save has now progressed to mad max phase, so I rarely need to sleep in the basement.

When migo and zombie will die with hunger?

Only survivor cannot live without food.

Well, this got a lot of responses. I’ve done a few different characters since this post and so far only the Lab seems to be extra noisy, and that can be got around as some people have pointed out.

And yes, Migos are evil and must die!

[quote=“Coolthulhu, post:12, topic:13508”]We need some new blob types and a blob resistance roll. It doesn’t make sense for hulks to blobbify into regular crap blob.
Acidic blobs would certainly make blobs more scary.[/quote]

I’m fairly certain that some of the evolved type blobbify into the larger blobs - when you find a bunch of blob resulting from an amoeba in a city, there are often some large blobs in the mix.

Still not nearly as dangerous, of course, but it’s at least something…

Critter size determines the size of the blob. Since blobs have a strict hierarchy of danger based upon size. I dont think its possible for a huge critter to go shoggoth, and likewise I think tiny ones go to small blobs.

[quote=“Coolthulhu, post:12, topic:13508”]We need some new blob types and a blob resistance roll. It doesn’t make sense for hulks to blobbify into regular crap blob.
Acidic blobs would certainly make blobs more scary.[/quote]
We can do this. Heck, we have all kinds of damage they can do.

  • acidic blob cubes
  • high cut and stab resistant blobs
  • cryo blobs / heat blobs <-- the more outlandish
  • high dodgey blobs
  • blobs that can slow you down
  • blobs that split into several smaller blobs that can grow back into large ones (and resplit again into several smaller ones)

What kinds of blobs do you really think we need?

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[quote=“pisskop, post:19, topic:13508”]- acidic blob cubes

  • high cut and stab resistant blobs
  • cryo blobs / heat blobs <-- the more outlandish
  • high dodgey blobs
  • blobs that can slow you down
  • blobs that split into several smaller blobs that can grow back into large ones (and resplit again into several smaller ones)[/quote]

Acidic ones sound safe.
Cryo ones would require properly implementing the cryo damage - messages, armors and monster resistances.
Heat blobs would require some protection for other blobs - currently slime pits are all flammable. They’d need some mechanic to separate them from acid blobs so that they wouldn’t just be acid blobs of different type.
Dodgy blobs kinda go against the whole blobby nature. High hp ones (with regen?) would be safer.
Slowing down sounds good.
Splitters wouldn’t be easy to implement (they’d need to know when to split and when to merge), but would work too.