Wild life searches the town for YOUR food

I believe the game has some form of kill smaller creatures circle of life thing already going for it, But What I mean is what if Dogs/Bears would act as they normally would in real life.

Anyone who knows anything about bears knows they can fuck shit up to get to what they want, especially if its food. And that does not happen in game, they are more interested in killing you (Ironically to not eat you) or just loitering about instead of going after food.

I know a lot of us like it when the game gets more difficult with good cause. So I feel like dogs / Bears, should join in on the plundering, Makes it so you have to defend your base a little more. and if wildlife is rampart in an area they will inhabit houses and trash the furniture in search of food.

I just imagined this situation: you went away to loot a lab. At some moment you heard big explosion coming from somewhere, but didn’t give any care about… maybe just a squirrel had stepped on a land mine somewhere. When you returned, you suddenly found out all your base is destructed. Cause: when you was away, a bear took the smell of your food which were in your vehicle. The bear was TOO HUNGRY and started to stratch the vehicle and when he stratched the GASOLINE GODDAMN TANK, big BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM appear. The bear becomes !!BEAR!!.

Oh yeah. That would be funny as hell.

I don’t know about CDDA, but in real world, gasoline tanks don’t work this way, so they could be nerfed in this matter. It would be funny though, it’s an apocalypse, you know. Poop happens, cars should break down every now and then and while not explode, they could easily get mauled by a hungry bear.

Adds a LOT more scent-processing though and that’s not trivial in terms of processing time. Currently scent only comes from the player. Making comestibles, corpses, and the like all have a distinctive scent and interplay would be Not Fun.

Unless you want bears to have a “Detect Comestible” ability, and that’s not gonna happen because it’s comparatively arbitrary: bears become food-seeking missiles.

So perhaps realistic, but tough to accomplish with present resources. Sorry.

[quote=“KA101, post:4, topic:5786”]Adds a LOT more scent-processing though and that’s not trivial in terms of processing time. Currently scent only comes from the player. Making comestibles, corpses, and the like all have a distinctive scent and interplay would be Not Fun.

Unless you want bears to have a “Detect Comestible” ability, and that’s not gonna happen because it’s comparatively arbitrary: bears become food-seeking missiles.

So perhaps realistic, but tough to accomplish with present resources. Sorry.[/quote]I think this could be accomplished easier by the same mechanic as “noise”. Instead of the complex system used for the player, items could “spread the smell” like sound, with strength and range entirely dependent on the item (and on whether or not it’s in a sealed container furniture like a fridge). So wildlife would still be able to come for the player, but if the scent of food is strong enough, then the player might not be a preferable target. A simplified implementation that both allows for the mechanic to exist, and doesn’t overstrain the game engine (the smell map could be updated only every so often, both preventing undue slowdowns and simulating the gradual propagation of new smells through the atmosphere.


Yes what uncle said

depending on how NPC sight works it could simply be programmed that they go for any food they see depending on hunger, they only see things in containers they are adjacent to.