This might need context, so:
I haven’t played for a while, and I forgot why I stopped, so I jumped back in with a new cheat character to freshen myself up. Once I refreshed myself on movement and basic survival, I went to a non-cheat character and survived a little while.
I then met an NPC (NPC spawn rate at 25.00 cause why would everyone die instantly?) looking for mutagen to go full Rat-Man (and maybe raise some stealthy lizard mutants?). I then got bored after running from zombies, and thought, “Wow, that half rat guy got his life goals in order a bit. Why can’t I do that?”
Then I had a great idea I can’t act upon because I can’t code/program/do-anything-meaningful-for-those-around-me for the life of me. What if PC’s had random/planned goals/dreams like NPCS?
What would goals be and what would they do?
So, there could be some Goals like becoming a master at CQC, or making a sword by yourself, and you might randomly spawn with one on a new character or pick one out alongside class. Maybe you are a Guru who always wanted to make a suit for yourself because [insert backstory here], so you think “Why not do it since the world is pretty much dead?” SO, you raise tailoring to max, make your suit or other piece of clothing, then get a major morale buff from making it and have a sizable boost to morale when you wear it.
This could be the case for anything craft related, such as getting morale for using a sword that you crafted to accomplish a goal, or driving a vehicle, or eating food.
For combat skills, you get a morale boost every time that skill goes up, and get a permanent boost for when/if you make it to 10+, and get minor boosts for when you use said skill. If you have a dream related to non-combat skills like cooking or bartering, it would be pretty much the same. Get a boost for buying something or successfully convincing someone to do something, etc.
Then. some goals would be unrelated to stats or skills, and would then be something like, “Kill a x amount of zombies/ special zombie” or, “Travel X amount of overmap tiles from starting position.” They would then be just like the others in that after completion, you would get minor buffs for doing something related to the initial goal, like killing a zombie or traveling at all.
Ideas for Goals
Goals would be possibly random and could have it’s own settings if someone didn’t want to have a backstory planned out for a character only to have a goal go directly against it. However, I was thinking about profession-specific goals. Said goals would only be available to certain classes/starting character backgrounds. Some ideas were:
- Goal: “You are sick of this stuff. Time to kick your addiction!”
Would mainly consist of getting a small boost at the end of everyday with not using said drug. After losing addiction and satisfying the goal, you would receive a morale boost for destroying any of said drug you come across.
- Goal: “It was supposed to be the happiest day of your life. Now, the person you loved the most in this world is gone. At least you may still be able to create something so you never forget them.”
Would consist of finding two rings, the opposite gender’s dress apparel, a picture frame, and some candles. You could then craft a small shrine in their memory. Being near or examining the shrine would give major morale boosts, along with maybe a small notification in the side bar saying something like, “You now survive for them.”
Experiment/Escaped Experiment
- Goal: "They will pay for what they did to you. They will all pay. "
Could consist of finding and killing a certain NPC, with the assumption that this might have been one of the scientists who mutated you. Find their name in a computer in a file with your name, see where they might have went/ find a tracking device that leads you to them. Get a CRAZY morale
boost from their death, and get a boost for destroying anything science related from their on (Serums, lab coats, test subject jumpsuits, etc.)
Based on a small understanding of the game, I guess this could be done with a mutation tree for each goal, with the threshold for the “Completed goal” locked behind said objective being done. But really, this is all just a loose idea. I really have no understanding of how this could be done, and am a little bit too busy to learn to code to the extent that I could do this and not screw something up. Thank you if you read everything.