What's the very first thing you do when starting a new game?

Yeah, i know about how to lvl up skill. But we are more talking about early game when you start instead of how to reach lvl 5 in a skill in less than 5min.

My last experience with melee is i’v clear with only a knife spear a megatore without a scratch ; i first catch few Z in bush, pick up under amor /tank top fitting, and then slaying everybody in middle of the store. Then you got the full store for yourself in less than 10min IRL just after creating your caractere.[/quote]

I’m a tad bit skeptical of that myself. I know the knife spear gets rapid attack, and a weak block, but to use either of those you need to get a critical right? Do you start with a point or 3 in melee skill?[/quote]

I don’t know about critical needed for that. I don’t think so. And i start with 20 strenght (yeah pretty hight cost) with no skill, no trait but the one that allow you to move in every type of terrain for same cost as normal one. Only dog are real problem : they can attack you even in iregular terrain and make you bleed/hight dommage if crit. They are also hard to hit. But other (basic Z, spitter, the electric one, hulk) arent a problem, just keep near car, and do hit /back. They won’t be able to hit you so much. And basic Z won’t hit you at all if you back before.[/quote]

Weak block kicks in in place of a Dodge, IIRC. You won’t get good results unless you’re more skilled with the weapon than the attacker’s attack skill, though–your “dice” are worse than the attacker’s on a Weak Block (hence the name) so you’ll want more. Rapid-attack doesn’t need a critical to come out. It’s one of the best attack perks, IMO.

Gas station run out. It’s random and dice is rolled for each pump.

Weak block kicks in in place of a Dodge, IIRC. You won’t get good results unless you’re more skilled with the weapon than the attacker’s attack skill, though–your “dice” are worse than the attacker’s on a Weak Block (hence the name) so you’ll want more. Rapid-attack doesn’t need a critical to come out. It’s one of the best attack perks, IMO.[/quote]

Okay, good to know. I’ll keep my eye out for rapid attack weapons.

  1. Run outside, grab a rock, smash all the lockers, craft a spike, smash a window, reassign the knife to [k], cut the sheet into rags, craft a knife spear. Craft crowbars and lockpicks from the locker remains, bringing Mechanic to 2. Smash a bench, make skewers for portable cooking fires. (And for burning zombies, but that feels like cheating.)

  2. Look at the map for isolated or at least outlying houses to plunder. Primary goals are more volume capacity, (hoodies, cargo pants and trenchcoats will do nicely for a start, but a backpack helps), something that holds water, a pot (in the oven of any kitchen) and a rubber hose (smash a refrigerator).

  3. ???

  4. Profit.

Day 1 is usually

  1. Hit the road to find an isolated gas station

  2. When I find one, I hopefully have water bottles from scientist groups, so I drink some of those and fill them with gas

  3. Find the nearest working truck, refuel it and bring it back to the gas station to completely refuel

Another tactic I’ve been exploring lately:

(Only with static spawn)

1: Loot the shelter, get a weapon of your choice, make a crowbar

2: Find a house on the edge of town, clear the immediate area out and make sure to butcher all the zombies

3: Set up temporary base of operations in a house, loot the town from there. Try and find a working vehicle and gas and look foe a Public Works to turn into a permanent shelter

@clayton: crowbar is not real important with static spawns. noise isn’t that bad. zombies dont spawn on top of you. it can ‘draw’ them. but its not that bad. you can break a window in the back. This is actually better since you get string for each window you break and that string has alot of uses (like making a bow).

If you play with dynamic spawns then breaking a window is problematic because zombies spawn from noise