What weapons can you use with Eskrima? Is there a list anywhere?

Title. I would like to know how fucked I am with this makeshift crowbar.

If you open the json file for martial arts and search eskrima, you’ll find the list of compatible weapons.

This is probably sorta a cheat.

[quote=“John Candlebury, post:2, topic:8671”]If you open the json file for martial arts and search eskrima, you’ll find the list of compatible weapons.

This is probably sorta a cheat.[/quote]

Is it? If you had the martial art, you’d know what would work with it and what wouldn’t.

Also thaaanks.

It’s perfectly legitimate, as the help call “?” gives the list when called on a MA in the MA-picker menu (default “-” ).

Ooh, I must’ve missed that. Thanks!