I know that the DREAD that it is based off of is this, but the description of the Wrist DREAD added from Icecoon’s Arsenal says that it’s a miniaturized and wrist-mounted version. Would it be reasonable to change it to a wearable weapon similar to most bows, worn on the strapped layer of either hand similar to a watch?
EDIT: Added an image of the Wrist DREAD and its description.
Your link doesn’t work properly for me, dunno about others. Only issue with making it wearable is that an item can be worn or wielded but not both at the same time. Making it wearable might be useful for carrying, but you wouldn’t be able to fire it.
Only issue with making it wearable is that an item can be worn or wielded but not both at the same time. Making it wearable might be useful for carrying, but you wouldn’t be able to fire it.
I’m aware, and portability is the main reason I’m wondering about this.
I think this should allow it to be worn on a wrist, but I’m unsure what to put for encumbrance.
You might need a line of:
“material_thickness”: 1,
Otherwise, should be fine. Probably.
Tested it in-game
It seems the “armor_data” line forces items to be worn on the torso even if it isn’t listed on the “covers” line below it.
Update on this, that definitely seems to be what’s happening here. The briefcase SMG is a vanilla weapon that’s supposed to have the same data as the briefcase item sans storage, but here it also covers the torso.
Sounds like a legitimate bug in that case. Probably worth posting another thread or making a post on Github.