What is power armor anyway?

I’ve had PA sets far earlier than that in the game, and it’s basically the only way to really balance. As far as I’m concerned, making it difficult to use for early-midgame characters is the main concern, since all bets are pretty much off for lategame.

I won’t lie, I didn’t understand the thing about sports and gardening hoes.

That’s basically dealt with within encumbrance, to a degree.

ALL armor is restrictive to a degree. The only way you get full freedom of movement is if you’re naked. The more armor you put on something, the less it can move.
Even just the added weight means it takes more energy to stop moving arms and legs and such, which exerts a moment on the overall body which you have to resist.

Basic PA is a prototype. It works as armor, but not much else (in my mind).

Depends how it’s set up. You’d probably be fine, but it’s still a prototype. It might even be made of nonconductive ceramics on most parts so any electricity is forced to go through your body.

Again, prototype. This thing probably didn’t make it out of basic testing and it was for the military no less, so the cheaper the better.
My main point about basic PA is it isn’t properly sealed, so acid, gas, or radiation will work it’s way in one way or another. Just imagine a basic frame with some body armor welded on.

That’s exactly what I’m trying to fix with the Crysis-esque modes.

Not necessarily. It depends how strong it is and how much it’s carrying, among lots of other things.
That said, I definitely think at least the Mk2 versions should act as mounted weapon support, but that’s not something I can do with JSON.

Yeah, but it’s still a pain in the butt. And pretty much useless if you have a set and don’t do regular lab diving.
I get why it’s set up the way it is, but it’s unrealistic and the only case of something like that in the game. If it was a weapon or something I could understand, but armor powered with a special resource seems silly to me when it’s not even overly special.