What are your favorite let's plays?

That’s it! The other one, who i sometimes even commented on his videos was the Broke Gamer.

Aw yeah, I love Broke Gamer, his voice is pretty relaxing!

Yeah! Heard (only heard though) a bunch of his LPs while drawing. It gets me a lot more concentrated and it’s fun, so!

I’ve checked these all out, They are nice.

Currently i’m looking for something specific, I hope you guys can help.

I’m looking for a video/series where a guy takes one character and levels it to late game, and shows tons of late game content.

Can someone link me to such a video? Preferably made in the last few months?

Most video’s i see on these channels die pretty soon, or they don’t title the video’s in such a way to know if they are the same character or a new one

Fengferthgaming’s playthrough is the one I’m watching now. He has the devils luck in items, but he rarely realizes it.

I’ve been watching Feng’s videos since he started on 0.B. Very good stuff.

Plus his accent (Manc, I think? I’m terrible at sorting out UK accents.) is nice to listen to.

[quote=“Rivet, post:26, topic:8894”]I’ve been watching Feng’s videos since he started on 0.B. Very good stuff.

Plus his accent (Manc, I think? I’m terrible at sorting out UK accents.) is nice to listen to.[/quote]

He’s definitely from Birmingham(/West Midlands somewhere) :wink:

Slinked into this thread to shill my channel, has already been posted. Slinks away.

And that’s because a lot of folks here on the forums enjoy your Let’s Plays! :smiley: Good to see you around here, man!

I really like JefMajor’s Let’s Play series. He helped me get into Cataclysm. I like his channel because he often plays games that I’ve never played or haven’t heard of before. I’ve purchased and played a lot of games that I otherwise wouldn’t have thanks to him.

hey Chaz, i found someone stealing your Chaz powers.

i actually thought it might have been an alt at first, like the ITS channel you had a while back. nope.

Also a fan of JefMajor, and Chaz is always fun to watch as well. I also watched a play through involving a a character named Goggles McBoggles… I forgot the name of the youtuber though… 3X

Considering 0.C is almost upon us, I might start up an LP series/YTC of my own soon, hopefully people can tolerate my Britishness x3

Zemalf was great, if a bit slow, and Jef is awesome.
Fangirling intensifies

[quote=“Jakers, post:31, topic:8894”]Also a fan of JefMajor, and Chaz is always fun to watch as well. I also watched a play through involving a a character named Goggles McBoggles… I forgot the name of the youtuber though… 3X

Considering 0.C is almost upon us, I might start up an LP series/YTC of my own soon, hopefully people can tolerate my Britishness x3[/quote]
i watched that googles mc boggles thing too. also, DO THE YOUTUBES.

I personally would want to do one as well, ya know, immortalize the VIKING VOICE and all, but I doubt I’d be able to commit to actually finishing up.

[glow=red,2,300]MIGHTY ICELANDIC LUNGS!!![/glow]

Depending on my upload speed, hell, I might jump straight in tomorrow! Also RIP Goggles McBoggles, she died too horribly :’(

[quote=“Jakers, post:35, topic:8894”][glow=red,2,300]MIGHTY ICELANDIC LUNGS!!![/glow]

Depending on my upload speed, hell, I might jump straight in tomorrow! Also RIP Goggles McBoggles, she died too horribly :’([/quote]

i found the first video.

I do mostly follow Fengferthgaming really liked the latest long run. Looking forward to see how it goes now that he has started playing with wander spawns.

But also like Aavak and SilverDragonLord