Walking on Boat Hulls, or around a boat-type vehicle gives Wet debuff and plays water splash sound effect

Hello, it would seem walking around a boat vehicle constantly gives the wet debuff, walking on a boat interior shouldn’t keep you dry?

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Yes, you’re absolutely right and I would fix this if I could figure out where in the code the morale buff is applied. I don’t think it’s in the vehicle code and I’m pretty sure it’s not in the suffer() code. I haven’t found it anywhere else but I haven’t looked hard.

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Isn’t it a problem of them being not boardable?

Seems to be it. I used inflatable boat couple days ago, and it was strange. Sometimes it allowed me to board it from one of top tiles only, and vertical movement only, any other approach resulted in “do you really want to drown in that deep water?”. Sometimes it was diagonal movement that did the trick. Sometimes it made my character wet (other place, with shallow water), sometimes it didn’t. There’s definitely something wrong with boarding boats but i couldn’t catch the pattern.

No, it’s a problem with the code that applies the wetness morale penalty not checking if you’re in a watertight vehicle. Boardable has nothing to do with it.

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I opened code to check different function but noticed the drenching code in player.cpp and it already checks if ( !in_vehicle )
Maybe that in_vehicle variable is not set correctly somewhere, IDK. Will check later.

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Thanks, I’d missed that code. Fix posted: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/pull/40026

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